Kris McCarty and colleagues at Northumbria University and the University of Gottingen in Germany asked 19 men aged 18 to 35 who were not professional dancers to dance in a laboratory for one minute to a basic drum rhythm. They filmed the men's movements with a dozen cameras, and then turned those movements into computer-generated avatars so the study could focus on moves, not appearances.That's a small sample. And maybe I missed something, thinking someone is the best dancer is a far cry from picking that guy to marry or to have sex with. Is it really honest to say that the dancing "attracted" the women? They were asked to watch dancers and give feedback. For all they know, they were picking their next gay male friend.
Scientists then showed the dancing avatars to 37 women, who rated their skills on a scale of 1 to 7. According to the women, the best dancers were those who had a wide range of dance moves and focused on the head, neck and torso.
Nick Neave, an evolutionary psychologist at Northumbria University and one of the study's co-authors, said women may subconsciously judge how fit a man is by the fluidity of his dancing. He said their research was likely subjective and different cultures would have different measures for what constitutes good dancing.It's brutal honestly time. (When isn't it, around here?) Young heterosexual anglo men don't like dancing, at least not for the sake of dancing. Sure, there are the occasional hobbyists who are into swing dancing or whatever. But generally, guys go dancing so they can grind up against women, or because they're there with their girlfriend/wife so other guys won't be grinding up against her. The closer we are to you, the more we can feel your breasts or backside pressing against us. Like many things, guys will go along with dancing because it is what she wants to do, and they want to have sex with her. Women will sometimes get together with their girlfriends and say, "Let’s go dancing!" You’ll never hear a group of straight anglo guy friends saying that.
Neave advised bad dancers to improve their core body moves.
"The movements around the head, neck and trunk were the most important," he said. "The good dancers had lots of different movements and used them with flair and creativity."
Am I wrong, guys?
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