Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Looks like there's a regular show on cable now about hoarding - tape them all!. I remember seeing a newspaper article that there was a convention being held locally on hoarding, and I wondered if they were going to be passing out information at that convention – so that hoarders attending could take the stuff home and never get rid of it!

I suppose I used to be a hoarder to some extent. I didn't keep animals or ever leave food or dirty dishes sitting around. But I compulsively collected certain things – such as receipts – and would never bother to get around to getting rid of them. Newspapers, magazines, any kind of literature, books – even if I never had time to read them, I couldn't bring myself to get ride of them once I had them in my possession. I knew it was time to let a weekly mag subscription lapse when I wasn't finished reading one issue before the next would arrive.

I would also be struck with a thought and would write it down on whatever scrap of paper I had handy. And then I would end up with a bunch of scraps of paper.

Fortunately, technology has helped. I don't subscribe to any print magazines anymore, nor newspapers. Anything I want, I can find online. Using credit cards to pay for everything (we pay them off every month, so we never pay interest) has replaced keeping most receipts. And I can jot down my thoughts and reminders in electronic form. Digital storage takes up almost no space.

I am also a collector of a certain organization's memorabilia, and as such, I have collectibles and related print publications from the past. But I haven't had a lot of time in recent years to acquire a lot more in that regard, nor does it irritate my wife because she's a fan of that organization, too.

I can identify somewhat with people who don't want to get rid of something because they might use it someday or sell it for profit someday. But when health or fire safety becomes an issue, that is where the line has to be drawn.

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