Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Woman's Advice on Keeping a Hubby

I regularly check out the letters from listeners posted over at, and I recommend you do, too. There was one printed recently called "How to Keep Your Husband".

These instructions are a fool proof method of how to not only keep your husband, but how to keep him happy. These instructions do not apply to relationships with abuse, drug or alcohol addictions, or affairs. Although, it is important to note that if the following steps are followed, there will be no affairs.
She goes on to detail these steps:

Step 1: Own your position
That includes greeting him and feeding him.

Step 2: Pick your battles wisely

Step 3: Don't make him your girlfriend
That includes clear, simple requests, and not talking his ear off.

Step 4: Give affection often
That includes not withholding sex out of spite.

Step 5: Learn forgiveness and letting go
She goes on to write...

We must recognize and never forget that a man wants to take care of his wife. He wants to provide for her and protect her. He sees it as his job. The wife must allow him to do this.
It's a good letter and I recommend reading the whole thing. Here are my recent thoughts on pretty much the same topic.

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