Friday, April 09, 2010

Free Willy

What to do about a kid brother who struts his prepubescent twig and berries around the house? OLDER SISTER IN MCALLEN, TEXAS wrote in to Dear Abby:

My brother is 9 and still walks around naked.
I don't get this. I was strongly private and modest from an early age, though I did have to wear the tiny racing swim briefs, since I was a competitive swimmer by that age. But I didn't even want to chage in front of other boys my age. I got over my modesty when I got laid. Of course, I was 19 by then, but I still wouldn't walk around naken in front of my siblings.

I have asked "Josh" repeatedly to put on some clothes, but he blows me off and flaunts himself around the house.

My mother is no help. When I ask her to talk to him, she laughs and says, "Boys will be boys." Abby, I'm 13 and it is starting to freak me out..
Call his bluff, so to speak. You walk around naked, and see how he reacts. No, don't do't that. Uhm, I got nothing. If your parents aren't going to do anything about it, what can you do? No father is mentioned. That might have something to do with it. Dad would put an end to this, either with a stern talking-to, or by showing the kid up.

Dear Abby responded:

Your brother is acting like an immature child who's enjoying teasing his sister.
That's going to happen regardless.

On the other hand, [your mother is] wrong to laugh off your discomfort. One reason children have parents is so someone can teach them respect for the feelings of others... If he wants to be naked in his bedroom, fine and dandy. But when he's in the rooms shared by everyone, he should cover up. And if he doesn't, there should be consequences.
Hmmm. I agree, but what about his feelings? What if he feels like a naturist? I wonder if the response would be the same about crossdressing? Probably not. Dear Abby would no doubt refer the girl to an organization that would help her "understand" crossdressing, especially in boys. She would tell the sister to respect her brother’s feelings. Why not the same response for naturism? Because naturists have not been as militant?

Anyone else have a situation like this?

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