Thursday, April 02, 2009

Part of the Problem

I'm taking this opportunity to remind any reader of this blog that I am a sinner. In my words, thoughts, and deeds, I often miss the mark big time, falling shorter from the holiness of God than a stepladder at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is from reaching the Moon.

When analyzing things here, I often pass judgment on the ideas and actions of others. This is not to say I don't mess up – I don't want to give the impression that I think I couldn't be torn apart in a similar fashion. But I am not the standard, and while I often will refer to my own experience, I do not hold myself up as the standard. There is an objective right and wrong, and we should all strive (myself included) to do right and not wrong.

As a follower of Christ, I am convinced that my sins are forgiven and that I fellowship with Him. I throw myself upon the mercy of God, knowing I can never "make up" for all of the wrong I have done and all of the right I have failed to do. The bad news is that I have committed moral crimes against God, and there should be punishment for moral crimes. I have been part of the problem. The Good News is that Jesus is my Lord and Savior – and He provides the solution. His solutions are bigger than all of the problems, thank God.


  1. Isn't the greatness of God to have all your sins washed away? The word "repentance" would not exist if we were perfect. If Adam and Eve had not committed the first sin then there have been no pro-creation and therefore, no us.

    Of course, then there is the old adage "let he without sin cast the first stone"

  2. Thanks for checking in, La Carter.

    I'm not sure there would have been no procreation without sin.

  3. I think I read almost all your posts...and I like that you are trying to take the moral high road (very few do). I may not always agree with you (I sometimes have a very girly view - given I'm female) but I do appreciate your honesty.

    Thank you brother-in-Christ for your blog.


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