Tuesday, January 09, 2024

No, Life Doesn't Have To Be That Way

Why birds fly, and we can't - SiOWfa12: Science in Our World
You probably know someone, and maybe that someone is you, who is in a marriage or relationship with someone who brings a lot of trouble into your life, who is difficult, or who is "too much work," and your or his reaction is "Well, that's life." Or "That's just the way things are." Or "This is the way relationships are, and I have to put up with it."


You do not.

Life doesn't have to be that way.

That's doesn't have to be life.

Men today can be FREE.

You don't have to take on her problems.
You don't have to be nagged.
You don't have to be abused.
You don't have to put up with her destroying, damaging, or tossing out your possessions.
You don't have to deal with mood swings and bad moods.
You don't have to deal with her drama, friends, and family.
You don't have to allow her to antagonize your family or friends.
You don't have to deal with her mental illnesses or personality disorders.
You have don't to be yelled at.
You don't have to argue.
You don't have to deal with constant criticism.
You don't have to "compromise."
You don't have to sacrifice.
You don't have to cater to her while she sexually rejects you and forbids you from even noticing other women or even touching yourself.
You don't have to jump through hoops and dance just to be allowed your life.
You don't have to let her keep your balls in her purse.
You don't have to apologize for things you didn't do or things you did that weren't wrong.
You don't have to walk on egg shells and tiptoe around her irrational insecurities or sensitivities.
You don't have to spend your time on "honey do" lists.
You don't have to deal with her hysterics.
you don't have to deal with her kids.
You don't have to deal with her debts.
You don't have to deal with her bills.
You don't have to bring lawyers and the state into your relationship.

You don't have to do any of those things for any woman.

Life doesn't have to be that way. That doesn't have to be life. It doesn't have to be YOUR life.

You CAN have peace and quiet.
You CAN have control over your own life.
You CAN do what you want to do.


Get free if you aren't already.*

Maybe you're in a relationship or marriage and not sure you should get out of it. Consider this: do you enjoy your time away from her? Ever dread coming home because she's there? Ever dread the day or night ahead because you're going to be with her? Are you looking for ways to escape, whether it is hobbies, games, mind altering substances, golf - anything that gets you "away" from her? Ever get "We need to talk" from her and cringe? Do you hate it when Christmas, her birthday, Valentine's Day, or an anniversary is approaching because you need to make things perfect or there will be Hell to pay?

Or maybe you're like the frog who was in room temperature water and is slowly being boiled. You're no longer doing things that were to your benefit, no longer doing the things you enjoyed, no longer pursuing your dreams, and you tell yourself it is OK because telling yourself that is how you cope.

You can be free!

Maybe she brings some good things to your life. But you can get all of those things without being with her, and without being chained to any one woman.

Maybe you watched your father endure the same thing. Maybe you mother, sisters, or any other women you know act like her. Maybe every relationships you've ever had has been like this. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO PUT UP WITH IT.

Don't be a beaten dog.

I wish someone would have gotten this through my head when I was young.

"Life is a struggle. Life is suffering. Life is pain." Yes, life has those. But you don't need to add more unnecessary struggle, suffering, or pain to your life. YOU DO NOT NEED TO MARRY OR BE MARRIED. You don't need to live with a woman or even be in an exclusive, permanent relationship.

Want to be with just one woman? Is the woman you're with treating you well right now? Great. But you need not sign state contracts, co-sign anything with them (like a major purchase, or mortgage, or rental agreement, or lease, or deed), live together, or impregnate her. Allow yourself to be able to leave her behind when she gets difficult or lets herself go. If you insist on having "a" girlfriend, run enough game that she doesn't have any control over your life and you can move on when it is no longer enjoyable or she becomes too much work.

Stay free or get free!

*If you have kids together, I'm not advising you to leave them. You need to do what is best for them as long as they are dependent minors, which, unless she is literally abusive to the point you can get custody, is probably keeping their home intact. If you don't have kids together, get out!!!

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