Friday, July 07, 2023

Good News and Bad News About the Marriage Strike

Why birds fly, and we can't - SiOWfa12: Science in Our World
The bad news first: Many men are still signing that terrible state marriage contract.

The good news is a record number of 40 year-old Americans are never-married. And keep in mind, that's with people being able to marry someone of the same sex since June 2015 nationwide (and before that in some states). That has to mean that the rate of men and women marrying each other is even lower than needed to be a record.

There are people who think this is a bad thing. But I think it's great if men stay free.

I realize many of these never married people are still shacking up, which I think it almost as bad as marrying. I also realize many of them are still having children. I don't think men should have children unless they really, really want to and can rationally explain why they want to in a way that isn't selfish, and they will most likely provide the children with a healthy, stable home.

But many of these never-marrieds aren't shacking up and aren't having "oopsie" children, and that's great.

Men shouldn't be subjecting themselves to terrible state contracts, becoming beaten dogs for some woman, nor burdening a woman.

Men who make it to 40 as bachelors are far less likely to see a need to marry. After all, they've made it that far without marriage. And, according to Dr. Laura, they've reached the age for which is is unfair to have children, or will by the time they are settled into a marriage. So even men who think they should be married to raise children will have no reason to marry.

As long as state marriage contracts and family courts are bad...
As long as our culture punishes men for being husbands...
As long as women aren't eager and prepared to actually be wives...
As long as men are denied their own spaces, institutions, and programs that haven't been feminized...

...marriage rates will be in decline.

The marriage strike is growing.

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