Monday, September 18, 2023

Free Men Are Morally Superior

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Rape and sexual harassment are immoral.

If you're a good man, you don't want to rape or commit sexual harassment. According to informed, enlightened, educated people, including women (and we are to believe women), rape includes sexual activity between spouses when there wasn't an enthusiastic desire in both of them to immediately have sex with each other when they started to touch each other. We also know that sexual harassment includes asking for sex when the other person doesn't have an enthusiastic desire to have sex with you at that exact moment.

Over thirteen years ago, Dennis Prager published a two-part column called "When A Woman Isn't In the Mood." Here's Part 1. Here's Part 2. Dennis Prager argued that a wife shouldn't let her mood be the sole determining factor as to whether or not she has sex with her husband at that moment. He was (and still is) widely called an advocate of marital rape.

Despite that, recently Dr. Laura approvingly read on her program and posted on her website a letter she received, even re-reading part of it twice for emphasis. She extolled it as Email of the Day.

When we were newlyweds, my husband and I had sex every night. With age and menopause, we’ve both slowed down, and it takes effort to keep up my interest in sex anymore. But my obligation (and I use that term in the most loving and committed way) to my husband is that I save enough of myself physically and emotionally to be there for him when we go to bed. Even though it takes some planning and forethought, it’s the greatest gift a wife can give to her husband.

Although I’d never voice it to him, sometimes I’m absolutely not in the mood when I pull those covers back. But if I simply relax and give in to him, he will quite adeptly get me in the mood – without fail! “Too tired” is preventable, and should never be used as an excuse not to engage in the most intimate and loving act between a husband and wife. “Don’t want the kids to hear” is a cop-out too. And some of the best sex is a surprise attack on your husband when the kids are at school or a friend’s house.

When our kids were older, we simply told them we have sex regularly and to stay away from our bedroom if the door was closed and locked. And no matter how “gross” the kids thought it was that their parents were having sex, we emphasized that sex is something we did to help keep us all together as a family. We consider our sex life so sacred that we nurture it like a garden; something that is always growing, but will die if it’s not fed.

I wish that more women would be girlfriends to their husbands. We’d be filled with much stronger marriages.

Not only does that woman regularly subject herself to rape, but she wants other women to be raped, too!

While this was going on, there were several tweets expressing the same view.

See this thread by "Mrs. Tomasone" @limitlessleila which starts with:

Wives who only have sex when you “feel like it,”

Does your husband only go to work when he feels like it?

Go check out the many responses and quote tweets pointing out that this is an endorsement of martial rape.

Do the same for these two other tweets.

"r y l e e" @pinuppretty tweeted:

When a wife posts on twitter about how she has sex with her husband even during times she may not feel 100% up to it, she gets harassed.

A girl brags about all her sexual conquests with multiple strangers and she gets praised.

Make it make sense.

She tweeted again:

A wife who is not always in the mood for sex but does so anyways, WITH HER HUSBAND is now considered raping the wife to some of these folks.

You legit cannot make this up.

The responses to these and similar statements have educated me that initiating sex when both people weren’t already enthusiastically planning to have sex at that exact moment is rape.

This is very, very important.

Asking for sex when the other person wasn’t already enthusiastically planning to have sex with you at that moment is clearly sexual harassment.

Don’t be a rapist or sexual harasser.

It’s very important that nobody do anything they weren’t already enthusiastically planning to do at that moment. This includes stopping doing something immediately if your enthusiasm to keep doing it wanes at all.

You might have already figured out how free men are morally superior to husbands.

Most husbands are sexual harassers and rapists, as we have learned. Free men don't sexually harass a wife or any other woman. Free men don't rape a wife or any other woman. Instead, free men respect a woman's autonomy, independence, and freedom, and a free man will only meet up - and continue to be present - with a woman for sex if she is desirous and planning to have sex with him. The moment it becomes clear she doesn't or no longer wants to, he won't harass her with his presence.

Guys, don't impose on women. Respect their feelings, desires, and independence. Don’t marry or live with them, as that might pressure them. Only see them when they WANT to be with you.

Now you can see why women despise husbands.

Women don't feel like men do, and her feelings, of course, take precedence.

Stay free, men! Let's get the marital rape rate down to ZERO!

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