Monday, July 24, 2023

Use This Neat Trick to Have More Free Time, Money, and Happiness

Why birds fly, and we can't - SiOWfa12: Science in Our World
DO NOT MARRY! Don't live with a woman. Do not promise exclusivity to a woman. Do not spend money on women (at least not more than $40 per date.)

That will leave you with more free time, more money, and happiness as you'll have a peaceful home and get to do what you want, when you want, how you want.

Stay free. Stay a Free Man.

You can have a full, happy, productive life without ever marrying.

Most men shouldn't marry.

You weren't born with a wife.

You don't need a wife.

There's a lack of marriageable women. Red flags abound.

Marriage is a bad deal for most men.

Most marriages fail.

Here's my open letter to Dennis Prager countering his encouragement of men to marry.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    We are lucky to have you Ken. Reddit shadowbanned my IP on MGTOW sub, so it's good to hear more info outside of that pool exists. Keep up the good job and best of luck to you and your kids.

  2. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Well after I got shadowbanned, Reddit banned MGTOW completely. Not to bother you, just informing from the Frontline :)


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