Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Running Game - What To Do On Dates

Free Clipart: Magic Hat and Wand | gnokii
When a man is running game, here's how the ideal date goes:

It's dark out. You haven't seen her in a week or more.

You get a text from her that invites you over.

You go to her place.

Within five minutes of arriving, you're doing what you want to do.

After you're done doing what you want to do, you leave. You're not there to stick around to cuddle, snuggle, spoon, move furniture, fix the garbage disposal, or any of that.

To get to that point, though, you'll probably have to have other dates, first.

Here's the ideal for those.

You call or text her, asking her what time she's having dinner tonight. She tells you. You add and hour and half or two hours to that and tell her you'll meet her at that time for drinks, at a bar close to where she lives, if not actually at her place. For example, she says she's having dinner at 6:30. You tell her you'll meet her for drinks at 8 or 8:30.

If you absolutely can't avoid having dinner with her, choose a place that will allow you to spend as little as possible. Order a small, inexpensive salad. She will be unlikely to order something more substantial (expensive) than that.

Get her to talk as much as you can.

Work on getting things back to her place.

If you can start the date at her place, but you're not quite to the ideal yet, you can pick up some cheap wine, pasta, and sauce at a grocery store, and bring it to her place for you to prepare. That keeps you at her place and keeps the date inexpensive.

Dates are at night and involve alcohol.
They aren't "coffee dates," they aren't expensive, they aren't ways for her to get too tired or too turned off, they aren't ways for her to stall getting to what you really want to do. They aren't lunch. If she says she's not going to drink, don't waste another minute; leave. If you don't drink, you can pretend to. She doesn't have to know you're not drinking. Quietly tell the bartender or server what you want - make it stuff that can pass for booze by sight, but isn't booze.

Use your right to remain silent. Compliments, ideally, will be backhanded compliments, so that you can plausibly say you were complimenting her, but they knock her off-balance. "I normally date a different type of woman, but I wanted to give this a try."

You take the lead. Take charge. Don't ask her what she wants to do or where she wants to go. Tell her when you'll be to her place, or where to meet you. You don't do what she demands.

You do what you want to do. If she stops you physically or verbally (says no, don't, stop, or any equivalent), then stop. And if she doesn't allow things to resume, leave. Never never never never never force yourself on a woman in any way. If she's not enthusiastically seeing you and doing what you want to do, don't burden her with your presence.

There is a three-strike rule. If she hasn't satisfied you by the end of the third date, don't waste any more money on her. Are there women who will get around to that in a few more dates? Yes, but it isn't worth it. Your time is more valuable than that, and you can be on another date, or with your buddies, or enjoying a quiet night at home. She knows five minutes in whether or not she's going to hook up with you, so if she doesn't she's either stalling for money and attention or she's stalling just to make you suffer. If she's on her period, she knew that she was or would be and could have suggested another evening to get together; also, there is still plenty she can do even if she is on her period.

If nothing has happened by the end of the third date, you're done with her. If she contacts you and wants to know why you're not going to date her again, tell her that you two obviously have no chemistry because nothing happened. If she says she needs to know you better first, invite her to ask you questions via text or email, and you might come back to her place when she's ready; you're not going to spend valuable time going other places with someone who isn't interested in being with you. Either she has satisfied other guys in three dates or fewer and why should you have to wait, or she hasn't and she's not the kind of woman you should be dating when running game.

Condoms. Ideally, you've had a proven-to-be-effective vasectomy. If you haven't, you must use your condoms, not any condom to which she's had access to poke holes. When finished, dispose of the condom in the trash after you've put some Tabasco or habanero sauce in it. If she tries to inseminate herself using it, you'll know! Small bottles of such sauces are convenient. You can't rely on any claim that she is infertile, is using some form of contraception, etc.

Get out of there. Either you've gotten what you want or you're not going to get it from her that night. Either way, don't stay any longer than necessary. If you have to, pretend like you got a message on your phone that requires you to leave. If you've met or taken her someplace and she's texting someone else on her phone, leave. Excuse yourself to "go to the restroom," settle your half of any bill, and leave.

This advice might go against what you've heard or read elsewhere, or what you have thought would be best, but it works. It works because of how women are.

When running game, you're not dating to find a wife or a girlfriend. You're dating for entertainment and recreation - for fun. You don't want to spend any more time or money on a date than you absolutely must. Dating is for making out.

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