Men who think they have to jump through hoops for women in order to get what they want from women, saying "yes" to what a woman asks of them, have been misled.
In general, NO works much better.
"No, I don't buy drinks for women I don't know and their friends."
"No, I'm not buying that for you."
"No, we don't need to meet up with your friends."
"No, I'm not going to stay and take you to breakfast."
"No, I'm not taking you with me."
"No, I'm not going with you."
"No, I'm not going to hold your purse."
"No, I'm not signing that for you."
"No, I'm not taking your kid somewhere."
"No, I don't date mothers."
"No, we don't need to talk."
"No, I'm not going to stop seeing other women."
"No, I'm not taking the condom off."
"No, we don't need to find a place together."
"No, you can't stay at my place."
"No, I'm not moving in to your place."
"No, we don't need to get married."
"No, we don't need to go ring shopping."
"No, we don't need to go to couples counseling."
"No, I'm not doing that relationship retreat."
Learn to say "No!"
When it comes to a woman you're dating, you might think that saying "no" will ruin your chances with her. Not so! Dating is NOT marriage. A wife already owns your ass. A date is trying to get her hooks into you. Women like thinking they can "change" or "tame" a man. I didn't believe it, but then I tried it back in my wayward youth and found out it's true: saying "No!" to a woman who is dating you can actually make it more likely you'll get what you want.
You can easily say "No" when you haven't allowed a woman to get any control over you in the first place. And, in turn, "No" helps prevent her from getting control over you. Saying "No!" prevents you from getting into a terrible cycle of being pressured to say yes until you're a beaten dog.
Saying "No" either won't ruin your access to her or, if it does, saves you a lot of time, expense, and trouble. The women with whom you run game aren't turned off by you saying no. Quite the opposite.
Like "No!", there are related phrases you should use without hesitation if needed.
"I'm busy." - If she makes the mistake of inviting you to something that will be anything other than being in private with her, or quickly getting drinks at a bar before you two go back to some place private, anything that might involve you paying for anything other than a couple of drinks for her, tell her you're busy. You don't have to explain what you'll be busy doing. Only say this if you have to. If she says something like "I'm going to my mom's" in way that you get the sense she wants you to go, but she doesn't actually say "Will you come with me?", then just let it pass. "I'll get back to you if I can go" should also work, if she does ask that. Then don't get back to her about that. If was a text instead of a call or in-person, you don't even have to respond at all, and it might be better not to.
"There's the door." - Ideally, she shouldn't be at your place. But if she is, or if you're in a neutral place, if she has complaints about you, wants you to change, wants you to do something you don't want to do, is threatening to leave you, or is whining about you, point to the door and say "There's the door." Maybe you can also say "If I'm so bad, you should leave right now."
"Goodbye." - Always be willing to walk away, and actually do it.
"Excuse me." - This is to be used when "Goodbye" might cause a problem, such as you're in a public place together and she's texting on her phone, or otherwise indicating that things aren't going your way, and if you tell her face-to-face you're leaving she might cause a scene. You say "excuse me," like you're going to the restroom, pay whatever your share of any tab is, and leave.
"Don't contact me again." - When you're done with her but she still contacts you, or she seems dangerous or destructive, you need to make it clear that she's not to contact you again. Documented texts telling her not to contact you again might come in handy.
"I'm busy." - If she makes the mistake of inviting you to something that will be anything other than being in private with her, or quickly getting drinks at a bar before you two go back to some place private, anything that might involve you paying for anything other than a couple of drinks for her, tell her you're busy. You don't have to explain what you'll be busy doing. Only say this if you have to. If she says something like "I'm going to my mom's" in way that you get the sense she wants you to go, but she doesn't actually say "Will you come with me?", then just let it pass. "I'll get back to you if I can go" should also work, if she does ask that. Then don't get back to her about that. If was a text instead of a call or in-person, you don't even have to respond at all, and it might be better not to.
"There's the door." - Ideally, she shouldn't be at your place. But if she is, or if you're in a neutral place, if she has complaints about you, wants you to change, wants you to do something you don't want to do, is threatening to leave you, or is whining about you, point to the door and say "There's the door." Maybe you can also say "If I'm so bad, you should leave right now."
"Goodbye." - Always be willing to walk away, and actually do it.
"Excuse me." - This is to be used when "Goodbye" might cause a problem, such as you're in a public place together and she's texting on her phone, or otherwise indicating that things aren't going your way, and if you tell her face-to-face you're leaving she might cause a scene. You say "excuse me," like you're going to the restroom, pay whatever your share of any tab is, and leave.
"Don't contact me again." - When you're done with her but she still contacts you, or she seems dangerous or destructive, you need to make it clear that she's not to contact you again. Documented texts telling her not to contact you again might come in handy.
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