Many young, hot women quickly have sex with "jerks," especially jerks they think have money, power, or fame. The guys who appear to be dependable, stable, reliable, and nice - the guys who will be their puppy dog - these women hold those guys off until the women have "had their fun," and have a lot of baggage and fading looks, and need a man to play Captain Saveahoe.
If you think you need to be an "upstanding", successful man with a great job, honest and upfront, and romance a woman and pay her way in order to get sex, well, you've been lied to.
Even if you're not looking for sex, your presentation, like most of running game, can still protect you.
You can get sex in three inexpensive dates or less with one woman. Running game helps you find and enjoy the women who are either 1) sexually attracted to you based on your appearance or 2) will consent to have sex with you because they think you have, or are about to have, a lot of money, power, or fame. Of course there will be women who won't play, but running game smokes them out before you spend much time, money, or energy on them. It protects you from being a doormat, beaten dog, errand boy, or walking wallet.
You want the appearance of David, not Rick.
You need to adopt an attitude of having better things to do than spend time with her. Let's be clear. I'm not talking about being mean, cruel, or abusive, but coming across to her as being confident, self-assured, in control, take charge, having swagger, with no hint of desperation. You're NOT an open book. Rather, you're somewhat aloof, distant, and have a bit of mystery about you. You seem a bit untamed; you want her to think she can be the one to tame you. You're barely available to squeeze in a date/visit with her.
The worst thing that can happen is that she doesn't have sex with you. So what? You can literally move on to the next woman on your list within the hour. Now, maybe you won't be able to literally do that at first, when you're new to running game, but she doesn't know that. So act like. If you run game well for a while, it will be true. You'll be able to shrug off a woman who rejects you and move on to one of your contacts who is ready to go.
Never give her the idea that you think she's the one for you, the only woman you're pursuing, and that if she doesn't have sex with you, you're not going to be having sex. Nobody wants to eat in an empty restaurant. The women you'll be with want men other women desire. It's good for her to think she has competition.
Remember: You're not looking for a girlfriend. You're certainly not looking for a wife or a woman with whom to have babies. All that matters is that you are sexually attracted to her and she will have sex with you, she's of age, and she's not dangerous.
Dress well and be hygienic and well-groomed. Dress casually nice, but not like you're trying to prove you're wealthy. Keep your hands and face washed, keep your fingernails trimmed and clean. Be clean and smell nice.
Wheels. If you need to drive her, and your car isn't obviously a rich man's car, then tell her it's a rental while your luxury or sports car is in the shop. If you or your buddy have a vehicle that can pass for it, arrange for your buddy to be your "personal driver" that your company has hired. You can reciprocate for your buddy. Or, use Uber, Lyft, a cab, or meet her some place walking distance from her place (if not her place).
Protect Your Identity. It's best she not know your actual license plate, know where you really live, know your real job, your real phone number, or even your real name. Use services like Google Voice to your advantage to have layer of protection.
Either you "don't use social media" or you have alternative accounts set up specifically for running game. Only use pictures you don't use anywhere associated with your real name. Lock your accounts down as much as you can. You don't want her to be able to tag you, check you in anywhere, or comment on your account, or stalk your friends. You don't want her putting pictures of you online. She might need to let a friend know you showed up and she's safe, but other than that, encourage her to put down her phone. If a date wants to take selfies with you or video or do live broadcasts, tell her you're trying to cut back on that and you want to focus on what she has to say. Say "Let's put away our phones." You want to concentrate on her without interference from the outside world. She should eat that up. You don't need your phone out, and if she has hers out, it is because she's either talking to another guy she plans to bang later or her friends, who already know she's on a date.
You're A Turn-On. Create and adopt a persona she can believe about you, one that feeds into her wishes. Maybe your persona is just in town for a few days, weeks, or months on a special assignment? Maybe your persona is in and out of town a lot? Remember, she doesn't know you. She doesn't know your life story. Have at least one basic go-to persona that can adapt to the situation, who is wealthy, famous (in some circles), and/or powerful, or is about to be. It's especially plausible if you base this persona on something you know. For example, if the reality is that you're John Smith and you're a plumber, maybe you're John Jones and you own a plumbing supply manufacturing company. If you're a young man who is tall and in shape, you're a hot prospect for Major League Baseball or the NFL. Whatever your body type, maybe you're the next elite golfer. If you're a skinny guy who isn't stacked, maybe nyou're a tech genius and hold patents that are being used by Apple or Amazon or whatever. Or you're a sports agent representing top prospects. Or you're a hedge fund manager. Or you're a high-end art dealer. Or a highly successful architect. Or an elite chess master. Or a plastic surgeon, especially one that specializes in labiaplasty.
"I don't like to bring work into my personal life" can deflect requests that you show her what you do (unless she wants to show you her labia!) or "We can do that sometime," is a good stalling tactic and presumes she's going to keep seeing you.
Set the Scene At Your Home. You should try to keep things limited to her place as much as possible, and consider hotel/motel rooms or AirBnB before resorting to your place, but if you do take her back to your place, it should reinforce your presentation. Especially if it doesn't look like a wealthy person lives there, it should seem like it was an "emergency" rental or you're temporarily keeping an eye on the place for friend, or a friend allowed you to crash there for a night because that's just how arrangements worked out before your flight out. Be mindful of her having access to anything that truly identifies you or indicates that this is your permanent residence (like if your pictures are on the wall). This might involve having luggage visible. It could also involve having papers accessible (dining or kitchen table, coffee able, etc.) that indicate you have an enormous investment portfolio, you're being offered a lucrative and powerful contract, things of that nature. Giving her the chance to sneak a peak at these fabricated documents as you use the bathroom or pour drinks might set you up nicely.
Tactics: Think about how to do all of that above.
In addition to things like Google Voice and dedicated email accounts, it might involve getting your own website domain to back up your story about being a business owner, high-end contractor, artist, athlete, or whatever. There are free, secure email services, so you can have accounts just for dating.
It might mean business cards, personalized pens, or something of that nature which reinforce your story.
It might mean keeping pictures in your phone to show her that indicate your expensive home is under construction/renovation, that your expensive car is in the shop, that you take expensive vacations, that you go to elite parties, that you work in high end places, etc. These pictures are easy to find or make.
Something else to keep on your phone would be supposed voice mail messages that back up your story. Imagine telling her, "Hold on, I need to check this," and it's a message saying that you have a meeting with a very famous actor or business tycoon, or the management of a sport team, etc. Or it's your agent or your lawyer telling you some outrageously generous contract is ready for you to sign.
Something that might come in handy depending on the location is a wedding ring band. For example, you're at a hotel restaurant bar near a convention center or major airport. There are women there who will have sex with men they think are married, and then, of course, they can't expect you'll have a relationship with them.
Not only can your wingman friend be a driver if need be, but he can play other roles (just not at the same time). For example, if you know who you want, you can send your wingman to her, and he can explain that you're the next Tom Brady or Tiger Woods, or Jeff Bezos, or whatever, and he really wants your autograph but thinks it would be better for her to approach you for it. Things like that. Get creative. Just make sure you two agree on your story.
Your story doesn't need to hold together for years. The best sex is going to be the first three, maybe six months anyway, and if you're doing things right, the less you say, the better. Encourage her to talk until you're scoring. It will make her feel connected to you, and there's less chance you'll say something that turns her off. She'll fill in the gaps about you with her wishful thinking. So, if she asks you a question, try to keep your answer short and harmless, and deflect back to her. "I've been talking all day, what's your opinion on that topic?” or "Tell me more about your cat..." Once you get things to where you are dropping into her place, you're going to keep your interaction with her to a minimum anyway: texting to get invited or to tell her you're coming over (if she agrees), getting through the door, doing it, and then leaving immediately.
You might want to set up a Google Alert for "your" name and email address or anything you've made up, like a phony business name, to see if a woman posts online about you somewhere that you can see.
The details of what works best change as time marches on and technology and dating habits change. But the basic goals are to 1) protect your real identity, home, and employment/workplace, and 2) play the kind of character that gets women physically involved quickly with minimal effort and not controlling or walking all over you. You're not looking for a wife or exclusive relationship, and you're not promising anyone that; you're dealing with women who are willing to get busy with a guy they don't know, women who are most likely not being completely upfront and honest with you. It's a game, and if you're going to play it, you have to know how to avoid being treated like a sucker.
I don't know man. MGTOW seems less work. As they say, the juice is not worth the squeeze. After dating and having a few gals in bed, I just found out that Adult Movies were more easy and clean and less headache. At times I would just pay if I'm in a tough spot. Professionals don't talk about "feelings", they just do their job. So do I.