Friday, April 11, 2008

How's That Working For You?

I caught a little of the Dr. Phil show today. Not by choice, mind you.

What I saw was a segment where he was trying to embarass some guy who, from what I could tell, gives advice on how to bed women. Dr. Phil was bashing the man's marketing techniques, and the man pointed out that he's marketing to men who just want casual .

Again, I only saw a little of this, and I was mercifully distracted, so I may not be entirely accurate in the material I'm working with in this blog entry.

There was also a buffer man-on-the-street interview where some young male was talking about how he misrepresents himself ("I'm making a movie" or "I'm a photographer") to get women into bed.

Now, I know Dr. Phil's market is women - particularly women watching daytime television. But c'mon... I have to wonder if, at all during this particular edition, Dr. Phil ever pointed out that these guys wouldn't be getting anywhere if there weren't women willing to jump right into bed with such guys?

To put it bluntly - any woman who fornicates with some guy just because he claims to be someone of means pretty much asks to be lied to. I mean, how is gold-digging and tiness any less shameful than lying about your job?

Yes, these guys are not shining examples of character, but neither are the women who reward their tactics.

I've said it before - let the marriage-minded mix with the marriage-minded, and the "only hedonim" people mix with other people of the same ilk, and everything will be fine. Well, not really, but is better than when someone who just wants and someone who is looking for a marriage partner try to make things work. They are wasting each other's time, money, and emotions.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! I mean, are these women who lay down with men like this really that gulliable, or do they just not care?
    I agree that the marriage - minded should mingle with those like minded, but I think most women would tell you that they have trouble finding men who are "marriage minded".

    I met my husband in college. We were lucky enough to be introduced at a meeting by a mutual friend. I wasn't looking to get married and neither was he. Things developed, much to our mutual satisfaction. How does one exactly find a Marriage - minded male in this day and age? Just curious...

  2. >>How does one exactly find a Marriage - minded male in this day and age? Just curious...<<

    Snowflake, that's the billion-dollar question, isn't it? I mean, if I had a fool-proof way of doing that easily and quickly, I'd make billions of dollars.

    Meeting through a mutual friend makes for a better chance, I'd say.

    I have a co-worker who seems like she'd make a great wife and mother. (Then, I've only ever been a non-romantic friend of hers, so I don't REALLY know.) She's never been married, has no kids, and is educated and accomplished. She also keeps healthy and fit. But she's having trouble finding someone. I'm sure is the same story of millions of women.

    Marriage-minded men usually do not frequent bars and clubs, so like I said, meeting through a mutual friend can be good. Something else that helps is trying to find out on the first date why the man is dating... is it to find a marriage partner? (Don't suggest that... simply ask him why he is dating.) If you're looking for a husband, it is definitely a bad idea to sleep him him in the first few dates. It's not all that bad for him to act like he wants to... I'm sure he will. But actually going through with it is a bad idea. This may cause your dates to fall off of the face of the planet, but that's a good way of weeding out men who are not marriage-minded.

    I suspect that there are definitely fewer men out there than there were in the past looking to get married. This is for many reasons, and I'm not going to get into them all in this message. The bottom line is that that world has changed.

    But there ARE still marraige-minded men out there, some of whom you'd actually want to marry.


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