Wednesday, April 30, 2008

As If Losing Your Loved One Wasn't Bad Enough

There are many reasons why a man may want to avoid marriage, avoid shacking up, and even avoid an exclusive relationship entirely. Another one just occurred to me. If a woman turns up dead or goes missing, who is the first suspect? Almost always, it is going to be her husband or boyfriend.

This is understandable, and no man should get away with committing a crime against a woman. Nor do I want to minimize the fact that a woman was raped and murdered – both despicable crimes.

But this guy spent TWENTY SEVEN YEARS in prison for the rape and murder of his girlfriend; DNA evidence now has cleared him. How did he end up a suspect in the first place? Probably because of his being her boyfriend.

While these cases may be rare, they DO happen.

Especially with women who are mentally unstable, or have shady friends, violent exes, or shadowy pasts, this something that can happen.

If she kills herself, decides to disappear, or gets killed by someone she pissed off before she met you, in addition to suffering through the pain of the crime, YOU can end up going to prison for life.

Of course, the risk is small enough that this is a minor concern compared to other reasons a man might want to stay single. But for this guy, three decades are lost.

I wonder how much taxpayer money he’s going to get for this?

Never enter a relationship lightly.

Oh - and this is also another risk of fornicating with someone you don't know. If, God forbid, she is murdered, the DNA trail can lead right back to you... even if all you did was engage in consensual sex.


  1. lol...maybe shacking up with the wrong person is the problem. I agree that entering into things lightly or casualy is unwise.

    Women get attacked in mall parking lots...does that mean we stop shopping? We just take freinds when we shop at night or ask for security to walk us to our cars.

    Caution...not paranoia

  2. Stephanie, yes there are people who are better to shack up with than others. But shacking up in general is associated with a higher rate of domestic violence and other negative things.

    If someone wants to get married, shacking up makes it less likely that it will happen, or happen anytime soon, and less likely to last if it does happen, in comparison to couples who do not shack up.

    Also, shacking up means the person who earns more (usually the man), is spending more money on someone who has not made a religious or legal commitment to them.

    Finally, how much harder is it to break up with someone you know isn't right for you if you are living with them?

    Shacking up is just a really bad idea. It ISN'T like test driving a car.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I'm sorry to say, that paranoia is a perfectly reasonable response to our world gone insane. I keep my head down and my mouth shut, and just do my job. Even then, I am not completely immune to any false allegations that might be out there. I am however, more protected in isolation than I am in solitude. When I am in public, I make certain to avoid eye contact unless I know the person already. I also take deliberate steps to be as unattractive as possible; any woman who approaches me despite all this is definitely on the hunt for prey.

    For those who think me over the top: This is much much more common than you realize. I would rather be safe and lonely than personable and being someone's prey.


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