Thursday, February 09, 2023

Unmarried Men, You Need to Get or Stay Scarce Until at Least February 15

Free Clipart: Magic Hat and Wand | gnokii
Unmarried men, if you've been staying scarce for the last month or two when it comes to any woman who was thinking of you as husband material, keep up the good work!

For those of you who spent December and the holidays with such woman, you really need to get with the program NOW!!!

You DO NOT want a woman trying to make you her husband, and so you need to get or stay scarce. Be busy. Be "sick."

There are ads on television, radio, and websites/apps right now trying to get men to plan romantic evenings and buy expensive items because February 14 exists. NO NO NO!!!

Don't be so ignorant, delusional, or masochistic that you're thinking you want to be exclusive to a woman.

You don't want to spend "Valentine's Day" with a woman who is thinking of you as the guy she wants to lock in.

You're going to stay scarce until Wenesday, February 15, or, even later if her birthday or what she considers an anniversary with you is in late February.

This is especially needed if you've made the mistake of letting her think of you as a potential husband, or a boyfriend, or committed - or you've met her family or friends.

Be scarce. Be busy. Be "working". Be avoiding viruses. Heck, claim you need to quarantine. Don't answer her calls, texts, etc. or only respond "late" to every third or fourth one, saying you're busy. (She shouldn't know where you really live, or what you're actual phone's number is - use Google Voice or something similar.)

If she won't see you again come February 15, so be it. There are many other women, if you still want to see any.

It's fine to see women who aren't of the "commitment" or "exclusive" thinking, at least when it comes to you, or new women, and you can see a new woman who is alone and desperate on February 14, as long as you're picking her up out and about, on the fly.

Or, use this time to hang out with friends, family, catch up on hobbies, do those chores you've been putting off, etc.

You DO NOT want to be with a woman who is thinking that because you've been seeing her for a while, and you're with her on holidays and special days, that you're going to be exclusive with her, or living with her, or heading towards marriage. You DO NOT want to have to meet her friends and family. You DO NOT want to have to buy her gifts, or pay her way to some party or event or overpriced dinner or hotel room.

As far as dealing with the people in your life who harass you for being free, these might help:

How to Just Say No to Giving Up Your Freedom

Why Aren't You Married?

Practical Advice For Men Avoiding Relationships

Read more:

We're Almost to February 14

Dealing With the Holidays

Stop! Don't Propose! Don't Marry!

Now is the Time, Guys

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