Saturday, March 08, 2025

Not Inherently Hateful

If a woman says something like "Marriage as it is now isn't for me. In fact, I'd prefer to live by myself and not have a boyfriend or partner. Maybe I'll date. But I'd prefer to be independent and make my own decisions. I don't like the general culture's approach to romantic relationships. I'll do my own thing."

Would you call that woman a sexist? A hater? A white supremacist? A reactionary? An extremist?

Do those questions confuse you? They should.

When a man says those things, those are the labels that are applied to him. Now you should be able to see what's wrong with that labeling.

MGTOW means "Men Going Their Own Way." It's an identifier some men have adopted. Maybe they refer to themself with the acronym or the full phrase, maybe they use some variation of the logo. There's nobody who determines whether or not a man can identify as a MGTOW; it's an individual decision.

But "Going Their Own Way" broadly means they aren't following the cultural paradigm as far as "romantic" relationships; they aren't letting a woman determine the course of their life.

At the very least, a man who is MGTOW is going to reject the state's conditions for marriage, and thus be a marriage striker. Many, perhaps most people who identify as MGTOW would say the ideal would include avoiding all serious entanglements with women, such as cohabitation, agreement to exclusivity, co-signing for mortgages/leases/rental agreements, and business partnerships.

MGTOW isn't a "hate group". It isn't a group. It's a very loose movement at most, and nobody needs to hate anyone to be in that movement. Really, it's pretty much just a tag. There is no one organization, no one gatekeeper, no single leader or board of leaders. There are online forums and social media groups, but none of them have exclusive claim to the tag, and a man can be a MGTOW without being in any of those forums or social media groups.

It doesn't require misogyny nor a belief in male supremacy.

Men of any race, ethnicity, political affiliation, or religion can legitimately claim to be MGTOW (although some religious sects demand their followers marry).

If someone hates, if someone is misogynist, if someone is a male supremacist, there isn't anyone who can stop them from claiming to be MGTOW, just like nobody can stop anybody else from claiming to be a feminist, or a libertarian, or a bird watcher.

There are no identifying qualities of a MGTOW man, aside from his self-identification as such, other than a rejection of current marriage laws and dominant cultural expectations for romantic relationships.

Men who keep romantic or any other interaction with women limited don't hurt women. They don't beat women. They don't control women. They don't generate more of that drudgery of housework for women. They don't knock up women and then play the deadbeat. Women
 should be thrilled that these men are leaving them alone.

Although I prefer the term "Free Men," there is nothing inherently hateful about identifying as a MGTOW.

Disagree? Leave a comment explaining why.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    They love to label MGTOW as a movement. If it's a movement it must be tackled. However it's just a way of life. That's all really.


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