Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Looks Matter More in the City

Melissa Mahony reports on on a study that seems to confirm what Tom Leykis said on his radio show, back when he had one. They lead off the story this way:

For women, looks may matter more if they live in the city than in rural areas, a new study finds.
There's more competition in the city.

Any attractive woman who is category 4 wants to attract the wealthiest/most powerful/most famous man she can get, and these types tend to move to a city. More bidders = driving the price up. But, like I said, there's also more competition. So being beautiful isn’t enough. You have to be more beautiful.

The most highly attractive women tend to not only move to a city, but they move to Los Angeles, Dallas, or Miami – climates where they can flaunt their bodies pretty much year-round, and where there are plenty of wealthy men.

The researchers suggest with higher population densities, cities offer more potential friends and sexual partners, allowing city folks to be choosier and so theoretically able to select the cream of the crop to associate with.
Exactly. Less attractive women do best in places like Alaska, where women are more scarce. As the article points out, if you're out in a rural area, your social circles and family tend to know your business, you're more likely to know everyone else who lives nearby, and often your selection of sex partners is limited by those realities - in addition to mere numbers. In the city, a person can more easily have a casual sexual encounter with a stranger, never to meet again, without any friends of family knowing about it. This is why guys in category 4 are advised by people like Leykis to get off the farm and into the city.

Though the study is based on women, the researchers suspect similar results would hold for men, with their physical appeal also impacting their personal lives more so in cities where a more "free market" of relationships exists.
Taller men have an advantage, but what matters more in attracting the hottest women is money, power, and fame. (Superhot women who don't care so much about these things are rare.) Women who don't want to admit they are in category 4, and other women, will claim what matters is "security and confidence" - which just happen to come with... money, power, and fame. Taller men, by the way, tend to make more money - all other things being equal. There are famous people who aren't confident. Hollywood is full of them, and you can tell, to, because their insecurities are part of what kills their relationships.

The study indicated these city women are happy. So if they left a rural area for the city, they either found what they were looking for they learned they really wanted something else, and found that instead.

Basically, a superhot country gal who wants a superrich hubby needs to get to a large city and cash in her chips by age 25. After 25, the pool of superrich men who would choose her starts to shrink, since there are younger women these guys can target.

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