Monday, December 20, 2021

A Guy Whose Marriage Had Even Less Sex Than Mine Does

There was a great call during the second hour of the Dr. Laura Program on Friday, December 17, 2021 (the last new broadcast/podcast of the year).

A man called up to talk about his current relationship, but as she often does, Dr. Laura asked him about his prior marriage.

He was raised a Jehovah's Witness (JW) and married at 18. Of course he did. That's how you can make lots of new JWs (start having kids early) and avoid having sex outside of marriage. However, there wasn't any sex. They never had sex. For five years. He never really got any reason to as to why (although, being raised with the idea that sex is dirty except when you're married can really do a number on people, especially women.)

This poor fellow was indoctrinated that divorce was a severe no-no, so he held on. Doctors said it wasn't a medical problem.

Of course he consulted his cult leadership about this. They told him to stick with his marriage and suffer. Of course they did.

Caller left his marriage. He ended up getting an annulment, but not before his (ex) wife tried to really stick it to him via alimony, but things turned out well in that regard (lucky man!!!) Even better, he left the cult through the ordeal.

Dr. Laura could have explored more about how the cult leaders handled things and how his family has reacted (not a word about that), and other fallout from leaving the cult. If his family members are still JWs, they are probably shunning him, unless the cult policy has changed. I'm pretty sure Dr. Laura didn't ask him because she has a friend who is a JW.

Dr. Laura did get to the caller's current relationship, and told him to leave it. Great! Hopefully the man will stay free. He should join the marriage strike.


The only way you can be sure not to choose unwisely is to not choose a wife at all.

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