Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Dispute in Bed

Time to check in with Dear Abby again. CREATURE OF HABIT wrote:

My boyfriend and I have a wonderful relationship, but there is one big problem. I don't like to share blankets at bedtime. The truth is, I like to sleep comfortably with my blankets tucked all around.
Well that won't be a problem until you are married, right? So you are trying to work this all out before you get married? If so, that's very good, thinking ahead like that.

I have honestly tried sharing, but I can't sleep that way or even get comfortable.
Wait, you tried sharing? You mean you are fornicating or shacking up?

My boyfriend thinks I'm weird and that I don't like being close to him at night. Isn't sharing a bed enough?
More than enough.

Dear Abby wrote back:

Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining one's health, and studies show that people aren't getting enough of it these days. Try explaining this to him, along with the fact that intimacy is what happens BEFORE you hit the sheets.
Hmmm. I wonder what Abby would say if this was a guy writing in to explain why he doesn't like to cuddle after sex, but instead takes off and goes home? Somehow, I doubt it would be "intimacy is what happens BEFORE you hit the sheets."

If it is really that big of a deal to either one of them, then they shouldn't get married to each other. They've already lowered their odds of staying together anyway.

As a general rule, never marry someone if you can finish this sentence with a "red flag" or a "can’t stand" or a "deeal breaker" or anything that you couldn't happily live with the rest of your life without complaining or being resentful: "I love everything about him/her and everything is great between us, except _______."

These people apparently like fornicating with each other. That's different from sleeping in the same bed or being married, and they should not marry each other solely based on mutual enjoyment of their fornication or some other compatibilities if there are any significant areas where they are incompatible.

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