Wednesday, January 15, 2025

What Is A Real Man?

Question mark pictures of questions marks clipart cliparting
A real man is any human being who is:
1. Male
2. 18 years of age or older
3. Not fictional

Whether a man does or doesn't do any certain things you or anyone else likes or doesn't like has ZERO determination over whether he is a real man or not.
A man can be a bad man.
A man can be a good man.
A man can be a brave man.
A man can be a cowardly man.

Those are all real men.

When someone says "What a real man does is..." they mean "What I like men to do is..."

When someone says "That's what a real man does" they mean "I like men who do that."

Signing a terrible state contract doesn't make a man real.

Ejaculating as part of a successful reproductive process doesn't make a man real.

Raising children doesn't make a man real.

Those men are already real before doing those things.

Things a man doesn't have to do to be a real man:

Keep a job
Move out of his parent's/parents' home
Get married
Pay bills generated by a woman
Love Jesus
Put himself at risk to save someone else
Lift weights

Things a real man might do may include:

Cheating on his wife
Knocking up a bunch of different women
Leaving his wife or baby mamma
Playing video games a lot
Watching porn
Frequenting strip clubs
Depending on a woman to pay his bills
Abusing women
Abusing children
Starting a cult
Serial killing
Ordering genocide
Saving someone's life
War heroism

Some real men do terrible things. Some real men do great things. Some real men don't do much of anything. Whichever is the case, they are still real men.

You are free to say "I don't like you" or "I don't like what you did" or "I'd like for you to do this" or "You did this, and that's wrong because..." But when you say "If you were a real man...," you're speaking nonsense. If he's not real, then you're talking to yourself, basically.

Here are some men who aren't real:
James Bond
Jack Sparrow
Atticus Finch
Rocky Balboa
Prince Charming
Indiana Jones
Han Solo
Ben Solo
Rhett Butler
Harry Potter
Jack Dawson ("Titanic")
Any other grown male character in a romance novel, fictional movie, or fictional television show.

To be clear, I would like all men to follow Jesus, meet their obligations, behave well, and never steal or assault. But a man is a real man whether he does those things or not.

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