Monday, March 17, 2008

A Jerk Walks Into Dr. Laura’s Den

Today, Dr. Laura was talking with a guy who was angry because he and his wife had agreed (according to him, anyway) to wait until they'd been married five years before having children, and that she agreed to have an abortion if she got pregnant "too early".

She got pregnant "too early" and decided against abortion, and so this guy was taking it out by not being the father he should be to his kid.

Dr. Laura told him - like she tells women - to pretend to be happy for the sake of his child. She told him to stop thinking of himself as the center of the universe, and to love his wife and child, and he’ll feel like the center of their universe.

She also asked why a woman would stay with a man who wanted her to kill her baby, which is a really good point. That woman should have taken off before conceiving a baby with him.

Like me, Dr. Laura recognizes killing babies to be wrong. She did bring that up with the caller, but he thinks that somehow, the baby only becomes a baby when he or she makes it to the second trimester. Which brings up the question... what was growing inside his wife before that?

Anyway, it is possible that the woman agreed to his conditions, but any guy with a brain recognizes that women change their minds, especially after eating wedding cake and even more so when they have a baby growing inside them and their hormones are runnin’ wild. There is also a chance the woman got pregnant on purpose, knowing the law would hold this guy to his financial obligations, if not his emotional ones. But like Dr. Laura said, she should have left the guy before that could happen.

The guy has serious problems, and he needs to get over them. He’s made a baby with his wife and he needs to give that child his all. If he doesn't want another kid, he should undergo the snip-snip. But there’s a woman out there who married him and stayed with him, and kept having sex with him, and made a baby with him.

When I was a shy, introverted teen, I actually used to worry that I'd never have a serious girlfriend. I should have looked around and realized that even serial killers stuck on Death Row get chicks throwing themselves at them.


  1. I love your Dr. Laura diatribes. Yeah, it's pretty amazing how low women are willing to sink for "love," imagine, a married woman having an abortion, Good God, why? Though, waiting a few years to have kids, I highly recommend.

    And it drives me insane when women sit around complaining about the men in their lives: what? you thought it was so cute how he'd always ask his mom stuff BEFORE you got married, now he's a mama's boy and she's an interfering witch? Women are so afraid to let the bad guys just go, afraid there won't be another or anything better.

    Women in general need to get over the idea that a man completes them and become a whole individual before getting married and making kids. Men seem to get that a little better; women ... ever waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince. There will be no princess stories when my baby girl gets here, if if there are, I'll be sure to point out how stupid those princesses were...

  2. Do you have the charisma of a serial killer Ken? Seriously, do you want a woman who wants a serial killer? When I hear a guy has some batty exs, I always look at the guy.

    I do agree about the baby and the contol freak husband. I already feel sorry for that kid.

  3. Mary Anne, I don't know if I have charisma. No, I wouldn't want a woman who wants a seriel killer. But if all I was looking for was nookie, then it really wouldn't matter. But then, if all I was looking for was nookie, I would have never married.

    I hope all is well with you. Thanks for chiming in again.


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