Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dr. Laura and Disgraced Governor Spitzer

Have you ever interacted with the news media? Have you ever been an in-person eyewitness to/participant in an event that was later recounted in a newspaper article? If so, you’ve probably noticed that the news media doesn’t always get everything exactly right. Quotes get butchered. Some details get left out. Headlines are misleading.

Dr. Laura appeared on NBC’s the Today Show to promote her new book. They asked her for her opinion on why men cheat. She explained her position that if a woman chooses a good man to marry, and she treats him the way a man needs to be treated, then he’s not going to cheat. The Today Show, their cohorts and MSNBC, and others immediately turned this into “Dr. Laura Blames Governor Spitzer’s Wife For His Use of Whores”. But, THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE SAID. It just makes for good copy.

Immediately, the bloggers jumped on this – you know, the ones that hate Dr. Laura because she thinks women hold some responsibility for their own happiness, parents should actually raise their own children, sex is for marriage, and because she used to say, back in the 1990s, that homosexual acts were against the teachings of the Bible. How dare she!

In addition to going bonkers over her assertion that women should choose their husbands carefully and then treat him kindly, many of the bloggers and commenters brought out the same old, tired attacks about Dr. Laura’s past, things her adult son may or may not have put on MySpace, her relationship with her mother, that she told military spouses/families not to whine to their spouses who are serving in a war zone (misrepresented as “military families should never complain about anything to anyone), and the very, very tired old “Letter to Dr. Laura” regarding homosexuality and the Bible.

It looks like it is fun to knock down straw men, or to not deal with the issue at all but rather dismiss someone’s opinion by saying something nasty about them. Apparently, nobody who has ever made mistakes can ever point out that something is right or wrong or give any helpful advice, even if they've turned their lives around and have undergone a religious conversion and a whole philosophical conversion.

But getting back to the original issue… Nowhere does Dr. Laura excuse men for their decisions to commit adultery. However, she recognizes that if a wife isn't living by her marital vows (which are more than just "forsaking all others"), THEN a man is more likely not to live by his, either.

A lot of the whiners want to believe that women have no power in their relationships, or no ability to a choose a decent man. It is easier to bash Dr. Laura than admit that some wives may not be treating their husbands right, or may have chosen a man who was poor husband material. (A lot of women mistakenly think they can change the man, as if their vagina is magical.)

I do think cheating is wrong and should not be excused. But if the refrigerator is empty, a lot of men are going to hit the drive-thru. I really don't get the prostitute thing, myself - nowadays, it is so easy to find women who will gadly jump right into bed with you, especially if they think that you are rich and powerful, as Spitzer is.

Speaking of power, many of the hate-filled bloggers have complained that Dr. Laura places a lot of responsibility on women. When women call Dr. Laura, she tells them what THEY can do to make things better. She can't very well tell their husbands what they can do if they aren't on the phone with her. When a man calls, she tells him what HE can do. It isn't a matter of bashing either sex, but she does recognize that men and women are different (shocking!). You see, dealing with reality is much more effective than denying it, and then being bitter and angry when things don’t seem to be working out the way you want.

And lets not forget that there were *women* willing to have sex with a married man for money. Do they not have any responsibility for this?

Really, “men = bad, women = good” is getting really old, and so are the rantings of people who are spreading false witness against a radio show host/author. Spitzer did a horrible thing. But there are men who are in marriages where their wives have broken their vows to love, honor, and cherish, or what-have-you, yet all that seems to matter is if the husband has broken his vow to "forsake all others."

Don't want to put in the effort to find a good, husband-material (that involves a lot more than simply how much money he makes) man and treat him the way he needs to be treated? Then don't get married.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I usually get a lot of people agreeing with me so it's nice to get someone with a different point of view for a change.

    I do understand what you're saying but you're forgetting that Dr. Laura has no problem sitting in judgment of these women, or woman in particular that being Silsa Spitzer. My blog was more about one woman in particular and how she tends to get forgotten in all of the media frenzy. NPR did a whole story about past women sticking by their men and yes bloggers did jump on Dr. Laura but they also jumped on Silda. People like Dr. Laura have no problem jumping to mass conclusions about people. And, no, she didn't exactly say that specifically about Silda but when you're on that topic of conversation, talking about a woman in general, it does come off like that. And honestly, the woman doesn't have a track record of being kind.

  2. I just want to say, if my husband were making a speech to the media after being caught red handed cheating on me, by Jango I would NOT be the dutiful, pitiful wife standing next to him. Not only am I sick of women treating their husbands like trash then whining about how bad the guys are, BUT I'm sick of women continuing to stay with men who are clearly repugnant jerks. Admit you made a terrible mistake in picking a husband and get on with the important business of raising your kids to have some values.

    Also, I agree that the wedding vows are a lot more than "forsake all others," however, a lot of women stop being nice long before the wedding and the guys take it. Not only do women need to make sure the guy is husband material, guys ought not marry women who are controlling, critical, wenches. Both ought to wait for someone who makes them happy, too.

    Elsewise, tell the beautiful wife and the rich husband to suck it up; they made their beds ...

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I'm not sure how Dr. Schlessinger has been misinterpreted for the sake of good copy when your defense iterates the very same perspective.

    "But if the refrigerator is empty, a lot of men are going to hit the drive-thru" doesn't seem terribly different from "Dr. Laura says women are to blame for their husband's betrayal". I suppose it's unreasonable to suppose that men can fill the fridge themselves?

  4. Dr. Laura was misinterpreted as having blamed Gov. Spitzer's wife - and she didn't. SHE DID NOT BLAME GOVERNOR SPITZER'S WIFE. Can I make that any more clearer?

    Also, she doesn't excuse men of their infidelity.

    When a woman calls her show and says that her husband has cheated on her, she doesn't excuse what he did. Of course cheating is wrong. But since it is the wife calling the show, and not the husband, she has to deal with the wife. And she asks the wife valid questions like... "Have you been a good wife?" and "Would you want to come home to you?" and "Do you reject him sexually?"

    You see, a jerk like Spitzer is likely to cheat regardless. That's why women should not marry jerks. That's why they should "choose wisely" as LS says.

    But it is possible to make a good man more likely to cheat. Yes, women DO HAVE SOME POWER in how things are in their house. If she is meeting his needs, how likely is it for her generally decent man to stray? Not very likely at all. This is the TREAT KINDLY side of the coin LS preaches.

    Like I said, cheating is NOT okay, BUT... sex is very important to most healthy men. To get crude, men NEED to ejaculate. It is going to happen one way or another. Emotionally, sex is how they bond with their wives. Sex is important to men on many levels. Women literally do not feel and do not think the same and literally have no idea what it feels like to be a man, especially a husband. YOU might not be feeling something, but that doesn't mean your husband isn't.

    And filling the fridge themselves is exacly what men are doing when they are cheating.

    Let's say your spouse has agreed to be the one to fill the fridge and cook. Your sppuse even gets upset when you so much as look at restaurant commercials on TV when your spouse is preparing dinner.

    But then the dinners get less and less frequent, and the fridge more and more cold and empty. You get really hungry. You ask for dinner. Your spouse rejects you. You'd make dinner yourself, but that is not as satisfying and your spouse considers it a form of cheating.

    The dry spell gets long and longer. You're trying to stay faithful. You don't do the drive-thru or restaurant thing. You're trying to keep your vows, even though your spouse is not. You ask your spouse what's wrong... if there is anything you can do. But nothing helps. Your spouse isn't sick, just being cold.

    Finally, one day, you're at work, and a coworker walks in with the most delicious-smelling breakfast. You're very, very hungry. Your coworker offers you some...

    And you shouldn't take it. But let's be honest... your spouse could have made sure you already had a nice breakfast, and that would have made you less likely to accept any of what your coworkers if offering.

    On the flip side... do you really think there is nothing a man can do to make his wife less likely to cheat? It isn't really the same, because men and women are different, but there is still some validity there. Don't women who cheat get sympathy from their friends if their friends think her husband has been ignoring her?


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