Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Who Tells You to Get Married?

Dennis Prager urges men to marry, and marry young, and if they get divorced, to marry again. This sadistic and/or masochistic call is something he seems to bring up as often as he can.

But after all of this time of paying attention to him, it finally occurred to me he must not spend much time with his wife.

Yes, his radio show is only three hours, Monday-Friday. However, there's preparation for that, and he is usually not doing the show from home, which means there's commute time.

We also know that he:
  • Meets with sponsors of his show 
  • Records advertisements
  • Has involvement with Prager University, including recording "1 every 10 of the videos"
  • Meets with Prager U donors
  • Does "fireside chat" videos
  • Does a podcast with a 22 year-old woman, as he frequently reminds us
  • Does other media appearances, such as radio and television
  • Travels frequently, as in just about every week or multiple times per week, and his wife is likely not with him for all of his travels 
  • Gives speeches and other in-person appearances (one of the reasons he travels so much)
  • Writes a regular columns
  • Writes books
  • Reads books (granted, some of these can be done on his flights)
  • Responds to some messages he gets at his website
  • Exercises regularly at a gym and has a personal trainer
And we don't know what work/activities his wife has that take her away from him.

To me, this looks like a situation in which Dr. Laura would say "You don't have a marriage because you're not spending enough time together." But regardless of Dr. Laura's opinion, men who are told by Dennis Prager to get married (or, married again) must keep in mind Dennis Prager probably isn't spending all that much time with his wife.

It reminds me of when Roman Catholic priests, all unmarried, urge men to marry.

Very few husbands are going to be doing the amount of traveling Dennis Prager does. They're going to come home from work and have to deal with orders, nagging, complaints. Most will not amass the amount of wealth he has. Good for him for traveling and amassing the wealth he has. But when he tells men to do something that's going to mean dealing with a wife much more than he deals with his, those men need to be aware of where he's coming from: he's not spending as much time with his wife as they will with theirs, and he had an early indoctrination into an emotional conviction that all men should aspire to be husbands and they are somehow failing if they aren't a husband.

UPDATE: Dennis Prager has said on his radio program he prefers to go to restaurants than eat at home. Most listeners of his aren't going to be eating out nearly as often as he does.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    And the millionaires who could spend all the time they want with their wifes, are now divorced. Really tells you a thing or two.


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