Thursday, June 09, 2022

Dennis Prager Gets a Call From A Clueless Woman, Pushes Marriage

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During the open lines third hour of today's Dennis Prager Show (October 4, 2019), he got a call from  "Anne in Dallas". I really wish Anne would have called Dr. Laura instead. [This entry has been bumped up. I wonder how "Anne" is doing now?]

Anne was never asked, and never directly revealed, whether or not she has children, wants children, or her age. She did indicate that she's been looking for a traditional husband (= walking ATM) for many years. There was no indication she has ever been married before (sounds like she hasn't) or if she'd been riding the carousel until she got religion.

But she's dating a 48 year-old man "off and on" for two years who has been married three times already, the longest marriage being four years.

Right there, Dr. Laura probably would have laughed and her and then hung up.

But Prager is so eager to make sure people marry, he looks for any way to convince them. But even he was having trouble with this one. He didn't say so, but it was obvious because he didn't tell her to go ahead and marry him.

The guy has no kids, which, on the plus side means no issue with him needing to stay unmarried and available for minor kids, but on the negative side (at least as far as people like Prager and Dr. Laura are concerned, but especially Prager) is that it means he must be some sort of immature boy.

Reinforcing that is the fact that the man is in debt. Dr. Laura clearly knows that marriage is largely about money. The caller's main concern was the debt. From what she said, he both doesn't make enough money and has made some bad financial decisions (I wonder how much weddings/marriage/divorce has contributed to his debt?), and he's not motivated to do what needs to be done to be in better financial shape. This is yet another thing Dr. Laura would have said he needs to be dumped over. He proposed to the caller, so presumably he bought jewelry even though he's in debt. But the caller is determined to nag the man into making more money. Does that bode well???

He needs to make more money because the caller wants to be a "stay at home wife" (no mention of kids) and pursue creative projects.

She has health problems.

So... let's review this from his perspective. He's apparently had three divorces (it wasn't stated if any of his wives died). He's in debt. He doesn't make much money. And how he's supposed to take on all of the bills of this woman, who has health problems? I have to wonder if he really wants to get married or if he's doing whatever he can to string her along for as long as he can.

She said he moved her "back" to the state so my guess is that they are shacking up, which is kind of funny considering she was using the word "traditional" throughout the call and cited a common religion and that they had consulted a pastor. Maybe they aren't shacking up, though. Maybe she isn't even fornicating with him at all, which really makes me wonder what in the world he's doing. I have to wonder if her health problems supposedly keep her from cooking, cleaning, etc. and interfere with sex? Probably.

From the Dr. Laura mindset, he's about the cut off age (for men) to make babies. But again, she never mentioned wanting them. She might be too old her herself. But it he can't pay his own bills, he definitely should not be having children anyway.

Dennis Prager, either desperate for them to still get married or for someone else to talk some sense into her, asked if they'd gotten counseling. That's when she said they talked with a pastor. Once. And he wasn't very good. This prompted Dennis Prager to mention that most therapists aren't very good at therapy, which may be true, but I have to wonder if he's saying that because of his own personal experiences, and it the therapists really were bad or if they said correct things that he didn't like. I'm leaning towards the former, considering he's a very introspective man.

There was no helping the caller, really. But Dennis Prager did take the opportunity to push marriage in general again, saying it is a mistake that society doesn't push men and women to marry, including in their twenties. He said "It is better to have been married and divorced than never married."

Sure, if you're a masochist. I mean, he's right, depending on what the goals are. We've been over this before. Most men should reject his thinking on this. Most men shouldn't marry.

Anne from Dallas is setting herself up for huge problems. And I don't know what that man is doing, but whatever he's thinking, it isn't good. Getting married to the wrong person or when you shouldn't be married makes a mockery of marriage. Isn't that even worse than fornication? No, those aren't the only two options, but the thinking that it probably either going to be marriage or fornication is one of the things that prompts people like Dennis Prager to push marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:33 AM

    I'm surrounded by men who got married and complain all the time. The women of my office also complain about their husbands. They seem miserable. Not for me. Gonna stay free, thanks Prager.


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