Guys, most of you shouldn't be in a supposedly exclusive relationship, but whether you are or you aren't, there are signs that it is time to dump a woman or ghost her or never call her up from the bullpen again.
One of those signs is when you have to ask for her to do something sexually she used to do eagerly and enthusiastically without you even having to ask.
Just about any guy with experience has been there.
Back in my wayward youth, I had a girlfriend who asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I thought about it and "jokingly" said I wanted a certain typical act she used to do regularly. That I had to ask should have been a clear sign to me. It was a sign to her. Things were winding down in that relationship.
Many husbands know this all too well. Once you've signed on that dotted line (as has happened with me), or once you have kids together, she starts dropping things off the menu. Why? Because she thinks she has you locked in. And, if you're married with kids, she pretty much does, because to get out you're going to have to get lawyers and therapists involved and it will be a train wreck for your kids and your wallet.
This is one reason you never let her think she has you hooked in. You want her to think she's competing with other women, even if she isn't. (She should be!) NEVER MARRY. Don't live together.
If she's not going to give you what you want, text or message a woman who will. That's the woman you should be seeing tonight, instead of the one who isn't trying anymore, the woman who figured she didn't have to audition anymore.
This is one reason why you don't agree to exclusivity. Instead, you "date" her only as long as it is going well. If you haven't explicitly and clearly agreed to exclusivity (and you shouldn't), you are free to be with other women. Heck, if you REALLY want to see her for whatever reason, you can, and then after seeing her, you can swing by to see the woman who does things the first woman stopped doing. Eventually, you're not going to have time for her anymore, because her lack of effort is going to make dropping by for a booty call with her not worth the effort, and if you run game, you'll have your time filled with women who do put in the effort.
So, guys, does this post remind you of situations in your life? Comment below.
Note: I'm not talking about situations in which you and this woman have some kink going on in which you get off by asking/begging or being denied. If that's your thing, good luck to you. I'm talking about the vast majority of guys who want their lovers to be enthusiastic and generous, not pulling a "bait and switch" or treating sex acts like loss leaders.
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