Sunday, January 13, 2019

Still Waiting

Another comment was left by another Anonymous woman who didn't bother to address what I actually wrote in this blog's most popular entry, but instead tried (and failed) to shame men for actually caring about their own well being.

Since she left it as a response to another comment, I will look at that comment first.

Here's the original comment.
I'm a man, engaged to the mother of my two children.
Why? Clearly you can have kids without being married. Why bother marrying? What we've been told over the last 25 years in our courts and culture is that marriage isn't about children. So there must be some other reason you're engaged to her. (And that she's the mother of YOUR children, and presumably not another man's, that colors your comment.)
And even in this situation, the children always take priority. You (the significant other) won't always be the priority; and that's fine. We a still love eachother and we're to be married September in 2016.
I wonder how they're doing now? For the kids' sake, I hope well.
I think most of this article is trash. Not wanting to be with a woman because she doesn't have a pre-pregnancy body is incredibly shallow, and speaks poorly to your character.
It's a good thing women aren't shallow, like, say, not dating men who aren't taller than them, or preferring men with fatter wallets. The body issues were a small part of the list. There were many more reasons given, some that should be deal breakers by themselves. Nobody should kid themselves, though. If a man isn't turned on by a woman, it is unlikely their marriage will be a good, lasting, happy one.
If you're really worried about the possibility of a divorce, and the woman getting half of everything you have? Sign a pre-nup.
Judges throw out prenups all of the time. Men should avoid signing a marriage contract or any contract with a woman, especially a single mother.

I also don't believe you would be accused of child abuse for no reason, unless you gave people reason to worry, or the mother is crazy as hell.
How ignorant. People have been falsely accused, and even convicted, of child abuse countless times. This is a demonstrable fact.
In which case, the flags should have gone up long before you invested enough time to be trusted with her child alone.
I do tell men to look for red flags. And if they do, very few of them will ever marry.
Frankly, the only thing I can agree with you on is the child bonding with a man, and the relationship ending. If this happens so many times, it can be emotionally harmful to the child. I know a single mother that dated so many men, her son will call anyone daddy. He called me daddy the 2nd time they were at my house, and I felt terrible for the kid.
Outside of that, your views seem really misguided.
Nah. I'm guided towards protecting people.

Here's the comment from the Anonymous woman left after that comment:
When I read this article the only thing I thought was how I felt sorry for the ignorant, unevolved person who wrote it.
I'm not ignorant, and I am highly evolved. But I'm sure you'll be able to effectively counter the points of an ignorant person, right? Let's see...
I think it was summed up with the phrase "real adults with real world views will not find use of this article". I couldn't have said it better myself.
Oh, but many have! Just read the other comments.

As with life, there are pros and cons to everything.
Yes, and the cons of dating, and especially getting into a relationship, and even more so marriage, with a single mother, far outweigh the pros in almost every case.

Obviously the foolish men making such ridiculous comments have never been apart of something so beautiful and amazing
It's good if they're apart of it. But many HAVE been a part of a single mother's life, and it was neither beautiful nor amazing, other than being amazing how foolish they were to get involved, if they had the choice not to (sons of single mothers didn't have any choice in having a single mother).

 and with there attitudes will most likely end up old and alone unfortunately.

We all end up old, if we don't die young. Alone? Some like it that way. And if we haven't wasted our time and money on single mothers, we can afford great professional care at the end of our lives and we can also cultivate true friendships - with people who will never take our earnings or assets away - and we'll have them.
I have news for you, no worthwhile woman with or without children wants to spend her life with someone who lacks so much insight and selflessness.
I had no trouble attracting women. I have more insight than you do. And if you define selflessness as being a slave to a single mother, I'm gladly NOT selfless.

Guys, we see again here how they think: you exist to serve them. Thinking about what is good for you, or thinking about protecting yourself from being plundered and disrespected, makes you bad somehow.

Don't fall for it. Keep avoiding those women with minor or dependent children.

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