Doesn't the woman you're with want to marry?
There is more than one way to answer this depending on your situation, but this question is based on you having at least one woman you are seeing, which may not be the case. In some cases, more than one of these answers will be useful for you.
A) No.
B) She says she wants to marry, but I know she isn't prepared to be a wife.
C) More than one woman I'm with wants to marry.I treat them equally by not marrying either/any.
D) There are things I want. That doesn't make it her/any woman's obligation to do them.
There is more than one way to answer this depending on your situation, but this question is based on you having at least one woman you are seeing, which may not be the case. In some cases, more than one of these answers will be useful for you.
A) No.
B) She says she wants to marry, but I know she isn't prepared to be a wife.
C) More than one woman I'm with wants to marry.I treat them equally by not marrying either/any.
D) There are things I want. That doesn't make it her/any woman's obligation to do them.
E) So what?
F) I take marriage very seriously and I don't want to enter into it lightly [...or at all].
G) We haven't been seeing each other long enough. [60 years might be enough.]
It is important to remember that you're not holding any woman hostage. Ideally, you haven't made any promises about actually proposing or getting married to any specific woman, nor are you living with any woman. She is continuing to see you AS-IS.
If you have told a woman you will propose to her or you will marry her, you need to invoke your prerogative to change your mind, and the sooner you make that clear, the better. She might leave/stop seeing you, she might not. Even if she does, it is far better than marrying. Living together is usually a very bad idea, but don't make it worse by signing a terrible state contract.
This sort of question by marriage sellers is often followed up with "So you're just using her?" or "You're wasting her time!" You are no more using her than she is using you. Since you're not married, your interactions are entirely voluntary, whereas marrying (even if subsequently divorcing) forces some interactions even if one of you no longer wants to interact in that way. If she doesn't enjoy the time she's spending with you or doesn't otherwise get anything out of it, she is free to NOT see you.
Part 6
F) I take marriage very seriously and I don't want to enter into it lightly [...or at all].
G) We haven't been seeing each other long enough. [60 years might be enough.]
It is important to remember that you're not holding any woman hostage. Ideally, you haven't made any promises about actually proposing or getting married to any specific woman, nor are you living with any woman. She is continuing to see you AS-IS.
If you have told a woman you will propose to her or you will marry her, you need to invoke your prerogative to change your mind, and the sooner you make that clear, the better. She might leave/stop seeing you, she might not. Even if she does, it is far better than marrying. Living together is usually a very bad idea, but don't make it worse by signing a terrible state contract.
This sort of question by marriage sellers is often followed up with "So you're just using her?" or "You're wasting her time!" You are no more using her than she is using you. Since you're not married, your interactions are entirely voluntary, whereas marrying (even if subsequently divorcing) forces some interactions even if one of you no longer wants to interact in that way. If she doesn't enjoy the time she's spending with you or doesn't otherwise get anything out of it, she is free to NOT see you.
Part 6