Monday, June 21, 2010

Obama Speaks on Fathers

A man can first and foremost be a good father by only making babies with the right woman, within marriage, and being a good husband. It also helps if he has more experienced fathers from whom he can draw advice. Uninvited interference, including by clumsy government, can be problematic. I don't think I have anything else to add right now to what was said here at The Opine Editorials about Obama's statement today on fathers.

Men could be better fathers if they weren't competing with the government to be daddy and paying the government to do it, if their children weren't being told fathers are irrelevant or even detrimental, and if women weren't financially and socially rewarded for divorcing good husbands.

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!!! I couldn't agree more. I have two little girls and I know how important there Father is in their life, and I know how important my Father was in my life. Having a GOOD man that we use as role models is absolutely critical. Very well said.


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