Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's Not Antigay to Promote Mom + Dad

We know that Dr. Laura upsets, among other people, abortionists, hedonists, misandrists, obesity advocates, daycare providers and others who profit from umarried parenting or both parents having careers that take them away from their kids, and people who think little girls should sacrifice their bodies to competitive gymnastics. But while they may whine about her, they are nothing compared to the concentrated, irrational hatred directed at Dr. Laura Schlessinger by people who want to pretend that there is no difference between a husband and wife raising a child and two men or two women. Because she takes that stand, she has been wrongly portrayed as hating gay people.

She finally spoke up about it.

Here's the truth: I'm for marriage as a bond between a man and a woman. I'm for children having the benefit of a married mommy and daddy, which by the way also means that you straight women should not intentionally exclude a daddy from your kid's lives just because you want to be a mommy. But most importantly, you listen every day, you hear I take calls almost daily from gay men and women asking my advice on personal and family matters. These are the people who know the truth about me because, you know what, they actually listen to my daily radio program. They call because they know I can and will help.
Check out Playful Walrus for a good response to the situation.

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