Monday, March 16, 2009


If you were to stick me on a deserted island without a razor, I would quickly turn into a Sasquatch look-alike. I mean, I have hair growing everywhere, and unless I shave it off or pluck it out, it will take over my skin like weeds.

Other than being a good time to think, I derive no enjoyment from the process of shaving my face. If I lived alone, I probably wouldn't shave on days I didn't have to work with others. Part of that may stem for working in a job for many years that required me to shave.

But I'm married. So I try to get a really close shave, because that makes it more comfortable for my wife when we smooch and when I... uh... when I do one of my all-time favorite things to do.

And speaking of that, I enjoy it when she makes it easier for me to do my thing there by shaving herself.

Now, not all guys dig that. Some guys prefer their women as natural as can be. Or they want something somewhere between natural and bare, or something that is neatly and clearly defined. If they want the Preamble to the Constitution carved out down there, they are definitely asking too much.

It seems like this kind of grooming has become more talked about in our culture (in part, because of swimsuits and lingerie styles) and easier for husband and wife to discuss. Guys, give your ladies positive reinforcement. They probably won't believe you when you remark about how beautiful they are down there, but tell them anyway. If you want them to do something different, ask your wife if it would be too much trouble. But be willing to listen to their suggestions about your grooming, too. Ladies, if you’ve never discussed this with your husband and don't know if he'd like you to try something different, try asking him about it. As I said, some guys don't like the bare look at all, so you never know until he reacts.

And like I said, it is okay to ask him to shave... both his face (provided you aren't in a religion that forbids it) and down there – or to at least groom it more closely. Most reasonable husbands would color it green if it would mean you'd spend more time there. Now there's an idea for St. Patrick's Day.

If you really want to get daring and you both have steady hands, try taking a shower together and shaving each other. Ladies - any guy who lets you get close to him down there with a blade really does trust you a lot.


  1. A few Christmases back, there was an internet commercial for men's body groomers. They touted that their product added one optical inch. My husband was not inticed. He does not, in fact, trust me with a blade round about over thar. However, he doesn't seem to mind when I borrow his beard trimmer. (hypocrisy, I say)

    On a side note, we got our cat fixed today. He's walking a little wonky.

  2. I .. uh ... hi. Um ... I got one of those chain mail blog awards and I am passing it on to you. I really do love your blog.


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