Monday, March 23, 2009

Is Finding Love Harder For Smarties?

Melissa Noble wrote for (I found it via Yahoo):

Dr. Alex Benzer is a Harvard and Cambridge educated certified hypnotherapist who thinks "smart people" (his definition: the top 5% of the population) have a harder time dating than the rest of us dim guys.
She then goes on to explain why she disagrees.

I have heard smart women say they have a tougher time finding someone. I don't know if it really is true or not, as I haven't looked up the stats and I'm not a woman. (And how does she know she has a tougher time – has she gone undercover as a "dumb" and found it easier?) But if a woman who really is smart is having a tough time, perhaps the following reasons are at play:

1. Women tend to seek to "marry up". They want someone smarter than they are, more accomplished than they are, and who earns more than they do. Well, if she is scary smart herself (and, as a result, accomplished and earning big bucks), that makes it harder for her to marry up. The pool is smaller. Men usually don't have this problem, especially if they are just (or initially) asking a woman out because of her looks. The guys might not care if she's dumb as a post.

2. In addition to wanting to marry up, a smart woman is going to be more picky. She's smart enough to know that she has a limited amount of time and she doesn't want to waste it on something that isn't going to lead to anything but just temporary physical pleasure at best, or heartache and stress. So, it isn't that there aren't men available, it is that they don't meet her standards.

3. Smart women may get so busy with education and career that they don't take the time to engage in the necessary socialization.

4. Some say that men are intimidated by smart women. But this statement is needlessly specific. Men are intimated by women, and always have been. There are guys who don't want to listen to a woman talk much – mostly guys who just want sex or perhaps a girlfriend - or guys who crave quiet - and smart girls are often prone to talking so as to show you that they are smart. That is great if you want to have intelligent conversation or a healthy debate. No so much if you're looking to get it on. Smart guys do this, too... but their hormones usually override their ego fairly quickly, and they shut up.

Some cynical folks would say this is chicken-and-egg deal. I've heard some say that the reason these women are smart is that they had to be, because they realized early on in their lives that they weren't going to get by on their looks – and that smart and beautiful girls learned early on it was easier to get by on their looks and so stopped growing as much intellectually.

I know there are women who are both smart and beautiful. And have been able to find love. My wife is such a woman. I don't think she married up in the brains department, though.

So - do you know smart people, male are female (including yourself) who seem to have a tougher time than the average person in finding love?


  1. While I agree with your general assessment, some smart women put their brains on the back burner to find love, only to grow frustrated later on because their partner can't fulfill their hunger for engaging conversation that goes beyond mundane daily happenings. I suppose the term "smart" is rather broad, but it has been my expierence that people who hunger for knowlede are generally more passionate about the world they live in. This makes dating someone with less passion(smarts)seem like a lump on a log. Who wants to date a lump?

  2. Thanks, La Carter.

    Yes, "smart" is rather broad. Are we talking the way someone's brain works? Are we talking their education level? Are we talking their demonstrated history of decision making?

    There are some people out there who score very highly on IQ tests, but they don't amount to much professionally or socially, for various reasons.

    What about ambition, planning? Some people let life wash over them, and they pretty much live for the moment. Other people take charge and make long-term plans... actual plans, not just "it would nice if..."

  3. I think it is equally hard for all of us. No matter how smart you are, you still feel stupid and awkward when you're attracted to someone. (it's not just me, is it?)

    My husband and I, for fun when we were dating, took a multiple-hour-long do-it-yourself IQ test (yeah, we had exciting hot dates!) and he beat me by 2 points ...

    Things are probably best when you're pretty close in IQ, but finding love, finding someone GOOD to love, tricky regardless.


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