Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Partisan Politics

I haven't been using this blog as an outlet for my political (USA politics) views lately. If you don't care about my political opinions, especially if you can't handle disagreement, skip right over this.

Let's get something out of the way.

There's no perfect political candidate. There's no perfect political party. Everyone is a package of good and bad things. All organizations have problems.

I want limited government. Usually, the less a government governs, the better. Not only should government be limited, but some things should be state or local matters, not federal. And most things should be none of the government's business at all.

I generally want individuals treated as individuals, not based on their sex, skin color, which adults they want to bang, or whatever else. What people DO matters. What they DO should determine how others react to them. 

Tying into this blog, I don't think the government should prefer men or women except, perhaps, in very rare circumstances. I don't think the government should be encouraging or discouraging people to marry or have (more) children. I don't think male college students should lose due process because their accuser is a woman. I don't think the government should play Big Husband or Big Father. 

I don't think the government should have or fund programs that stoke racial division, racism against ANY race, or encourage false confessions of personal guilt.  

Some of the most important things to me, in addition to generally limited government, are free speech, school choice, self defense, free trade, and freedom of religion. 

Taking all of this into account, when presented with a realistic choice that is either Democratic Party or Republican Party leadership of the Presidency and Congress, I prefer Republican, as flawed as it is.

If you disagree, one of the great things about this country is that we are free to disagree. I do not plan on making partisan politics are regular part of this blog, and I hope you'll still read this blog and interact with it.

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