Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Her Dreams Matter, His Dreams Don't

On the Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Dr. Laura show, during the third hour. Dr. Laura took a call from a married woman who wants to leave her position, which has six figures in pay, for something that will be close to minimum wage, at least for a while.

She said her husband was against doing that, mentioning the pay.

Dr. Laura said the caller's husband was "dismissive of her as a human being" and ignoring what would make her feel purposeful and satisfied, the "quality of your life," and it would be all about the money.

Dr. Laura said the marriage probably isn't going to survive. "So what if he things it is the wrong decision?"


So much for "Big changes have to be agreed upon by both spouses, otherwise it is a no." Dr. Laura told this caller her dreams were important, but has repeatedly dismissed the dreams of husbands.

If a husband had the same call, Dr. Laura would have told him it is his job to "provide" and it doesn't matter if he hates his job. She also craps all over guys who cite their being sole provider as something they do for their wife/family. "You'd  have a job anyway!" Yes, Dr. Laura, but he wouldn't be losing control of most of his earnings and having to buy stuff he doesn't want and won't use!

Got it, guys?

Your role is to earn money for women. It is expected of you. Don't expect a pat on the back for doing so. Your wife? Even if the kids are long grown and gone, you'd better not expect her to keep earning as she has been. She can quit and do what she wants. HER dreams matter. Yours don't.

Dr. Laura has said separate financial accounts means it isn't a real marriage. Marriage is about money. But don't expect a wife to contribute money!

Dr. Laura usually gets it right, but this call rubbed me the wrong way.


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