Monday, April 13, 2020

An Unique Escape Hatch For Engaged Men

Sir, are you engaged to be married?

The National Emergency and global pandemic we're dealing with right now gives you an unique escape hatch to avoid marriage, especially if your wedding is scheduled and rapidly approaching.

Service providers are shutting down. Venues are closing down. People aren't traveling.

How can you have or even plan a wedding in these circumstances?

Tell your fiancée that the wedding needs to be delayed. Most likely, she will agree, because she wants the big party, and the series of associated parties, and those just can't happen with things like this.

Now, there's a chance she'll say she wants to go to the courthouse or the county office and have a small legal ceremony, and she will probably include that the big formal wedding, or at least reception, can be later.

Try to convince her that it would be best to wait and keep the legal wedding as the same thing as the big ceremony.

Then, while the wedding is "delayed," you can plan your escape. No, you can't keep the relationship. She's going to want to get married.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

And make no mistake, getting married is a desperate situation.

Most men who marry are delusional, ignorant, or masochistic. Marriage is a wealth transfer mechanism that takes earnings away from men. Most marriages fail.

If you marry, it will very likely be the biggest mistake you make. If you've been married before, you have all the more reason not to marry again, because the likelihood it will last is even less.

When you do manage to escape, she will be furious. She might badmouth you to anyone who will listen. You might feel embarrassed. You might even have to count some deposits and other expenses as losses. All of those things are small prices to pay for keeping your finances and freedom.

I'm married with kids. This Coronavirus pandemic is a problem for me, because I have a wife and kids to look after. It wouldn't be much of a personal problem for me if I was free of a woman and free of children. Right now, there are men who are very much like me in age, background, employment, etc. who are free, and this pandemic isn't nearly as big of an issue to them.

But there's a silver lining to all of this. If you can avoid getting married because of this, then that's definitely a good thing.

Maybe you're engaged, you're set on getting married later this year, and you think you'll beat the odds so you're going to go ahead an marry her. If so, I truly hope it works out for you. But at least you will have been warned and you will have known you had a chance to change direction.

If you're going to take this unique opportunity to make a run for it, some of what is here might be applicable to your situation (even if you aren't shacking up and even if she doesn't have children.)

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