Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Second Notice on Your Vehicle's Factory Warranty

I'm impressed.

Somebody out there is so concerned that the factory warranty on my vehicle may be expiring, that they've taken the trouble to track down a mobile phone number I never gave the dealer or the factory, to repeatedly call me from different phone numbers in different area codes with a recording warning me that this is the second notice that the warranty may be expiring.

Mind you, I've never heard nor seen the first notice to this mythical expiration of the factory warranty on my "vehicle". But they sure are persistent in calling me with the second notice... over and over and over again.

I thought I was special, until I found out that these friendly recorded voices were cheating on me by calling others with the same message, too.

Oh well... at least I have my friend in Nigeria, whose millions of dollars will console me once I get them transferred to me. And my British Lottery winnings.


  1. Seriously, I have made phishing-report@us-cert.gov a habit for all my Lottery winning needs. I'm tired of it. How did I get on this list?

  2. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I get this call all the time too!


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