This will be a series of important messages to young men and boys.
A frequent prompt on social media is "If you could tell your younger self something, or talk to your younger self, what would you say?" Sometimes it is limited to one thing or three words. Someone will always say that if they could talk to their younger self, they'd say "Bet on..." or "Invest in Apple." That's not the point of the mental exercise.
If it's limited to just three words it would be "Stay free, unmarried."
If I could literally talk to my younger self back in that time frame, there are specific things I'd say. But what would I say to young men today? That's more generalized. And it is one reason this blog exists. In some ways, many entries on this blog are messages to younger men. This series will attempt to codify the more important things into several basic messages.
The USA is what I know. Much of this series might apply elsewhere.
So check back regularly and I'll post the series as I have time.
Success Sequence
To what should males aspire?
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