Monday, April 28, 2008

Lady, Drop the Fat

Reality is sometimes harsh. This is one of those cases. Here is the honest truth from a guy. I’m not your father, brother, son, coworker, husband, boyfriend, or some other guy who has to be delicate or even dishonest in what I say in an attempt to avoid hurting your feelings or starting an argument.

Here it is: Losing the extra weight is the single most effective thing you can do to attract more/higher quality men.

Don’t believe me? Want to deny it? Look around you. Check out that People magazine and that red carpet coverage on television. How many successful, rich, famous, powerful, or gorgeous men do you see with fat or obese women? They are very rare, and in almost every case, they got together long ago, when she was in shape or he didn’t have two pennies to rub together. If he is a decent man, he is staying faithful to her. Otherwise, there’s a good chance he’s getting some on the side. Yes, there are some “cubby chasers” out there, even ones with some level of success. But they are considered the odd and rare exception. Most men who “chubby chase” do so because they believe (correctly or incorrectly) that women in better shape can attract a man more preferable than him, or it is a fetish.

It’s no use protesting that men are shallow. Shallow or not, this is the way it is. You can see it everywhere you go. As Tom Leykis correctly observes (and I don't always agree with the guy to be sure), “The size of the diamond is inversely proportional to the size of the finger wearing it.”

Is there a double standard? You bet there is. Men aren’t judged the same way. Sure, women like hardbodies and most would prefer a man who doesn’t have a spare tire, a potbelly, or a “keg” and does have six-pack. But women, in general, are much more likely to accept a man who is overweight or even obese if he can provide some level of financial security or at least access to a lifestyle of fame or wealth she craves. On the flip side, there’s a double-standard against men when it comes to material achievement/earning. Women aren’t held to that same standard.

But just as it is practical for a woman (especially one that wants to have children) to seek a man who can provide for her, and it isn’t necessarily “golddigging” - there are practical and legitimate reasons for men to seek out women who aren’t overweight – and it isn’t necessarily “being shallow”.

Keep in mind, I’m not talking about ten pounds here. I’m talking about fat, if not obese.

1) A man has to get physically aroused for there to be sexual intercourse. Most men are turned off by extra fat, or at least not turned on by a body carrying it. Men are very visual creatures, and liked to be turned on by a woman’s body. Women, if not naturally aroused, can use lube. Men need to get aroused to function.

2) Most men prefer an enthusiastic lover (if he likes you to play dead, or always wants to restrict your movement each time, there may be something wrong). Women who are in shape are more agile, flexible, and more likely to have endurance.

3) Most men prefer a healthy partner, especially if they are looking for a wife and a mother to their child. Obesity and even just being fat can bring many health problems and higher health and insurance costs.

4) The heavier the woman, the less likely contraceptive pills will be enough of a dosage to be effective.

5) Heavier people eat more (with very rare exceptions). Who is paying for that food?

6) In some cases, weight problems are a sign of mental or character problems – a lack of will-power, a lack of self-respect, a lack of concern about one’s health, compulsive behaviors, depression, etc. Sometimes, the weight seems to scream “don’t touch me.”

7) While it is easier to say “I don’t care what other people think”, the reality is that a man with a fit woman by his side, all other things being equal, is seen in a better light by others (both men and women) than a man who has an overweight woman by his side.

8) Obesity in parents makes obesity in their children more likely, and growing up is tough enough already.

If you’re in a relationship, especially a marriage, and have gotten fat during that relationship, it IS a problem. Your man might not say anything for fear of getting into a fight, hurting your feelings, or being punished in some way. So I am saying it here.

Baby weight should not still be around five years later. My own wife snapped right back into shape. I couldn’t believe it. I do not think it is so easy for all women, or even most. But it is possible. It shouldn’t take years, anyway.

Aging is unavoidable. Becoming overweight is not. And yet, the joke that “wedding cake” is the most fattening food out there rings all too true with too many men. When I was single and I would see these women who would start gaining weight immediately after getting married (often chopping off their hair, too), I thought it made a very poor “witness” for marriage. It didn’t make me want to get married, that’s for sure. It screams “Ha ha! I have your signature on the contract and now I don’t care if I look good for you!!!” I mean, really… what if the husband came home and said “I took a demotion at work today, because I don’t feel like working as hard anymore”?

Before I wrap up and subject myself to angry comments, I want bring up a few more points.

It doesn’t really matter what was considered beautiful 300 years ago or in some remote tribal village. We don’t live in an age and place where famines are a real threat and fat is a sign of being in a family rich enough to be able to sit around all day instead of working in the fields.

I’m not advocating the twiggy or “boy” look. Fashion models are usually chosen by gay men and other women, not straight men, so they are a poor indication of what straight men find attractive. But you can’t dismiss the women in magazines like Playboy. Playboy has done extensive research into what men find attractive. We can argue all day long about which came first - the media portrayals of the ideal female form or the tastes of men – but men do like that. I would like to insert the exception here that most men prefer natural breasts in reality, though breast implants can make for some good pictures. And yes, we know those photos have been retouched a million times, and she’s wearing body makeup and has special lighting and all of that. But the overall look is an ideal that most men have. None of those women are fat.

I’m not advocating women starve themselves. Women should get to a healthy weight by eating less and moving more.

I don’t personally go for the muscular or boy look. I like my women with curves, but there is a difference from simply being curvy and being fat. I had girlfriends with extra weight. I have had extra weight myself most of my post-pubescent life (though I’ve had times when I was down to an ideal weight). I’m not excusing my own fat. I know that people (especially women, but it does happen to guys, too) get treated differently for being overweight, and that sucks and in most cases, it shouldn’t happen. But it does. And coupled with the advantage in attracting men, there is good reason to drop the fat. If for nothing else, do it for your own health and happiness. While the “fat acceptance” people can scream all they want, I’ve never, ever heard of anyone who has lost extra weight who has regretted it – well, maybe the aspiring actor who used to get “chef” parts in commercials, but that is very rare. I know my life is better when I’m in shape.

All of the above being said, I can tell you guys like me would rather have a fat sweetie than a bikini model bitch.

However, we’ll go after bikini model sweeties most of all.


  1. I am so glad that I have always been a fat woman so none of my men can complain. No man can miss what he never had. He can't bitch about me getting fat if I have always been that way. I am curvacious, or fat by today's standards, and have never had a problem getting a man. I have had problems getting rid of them though, but that is another story. I have had some drop-dead gorgeous men too. A few of them were even rich. Imagine that with my big ass? I do find men preoccupied with looks boring and shallow though. If my weight was a turn-off to them, it has served me well. They were not men I would have wanted in the first place. If losing X amount of weight would attract them, I am keeping my thunder thighs.

    Too bad you don't do a blog on fat guys who want supermodels. What universe do they live in to think they should get one? They are not rich, so do they think a Barbie doll would want them? I know quite a few men like this and it makes me wonder.

    I don't want to shock you, but Hollyweird is NOT reality and quite harmful to men and women. Size 0 dresses and elective c-section/tummy tucks should not be the standard for women. Most of the actresses and models on red carpets have eating disorders and hosts of medical problems that are as bad, if not worse, than being overweight.

    I don't know, Ken. I read your blogs and can't believe you are in your 30s. You sound like a 16 year old boy looking at Hustler. Are you going to throw your wife out when she gains weight having your child? What if she gets a thyroid problem (common in women) and can't get her weight under control? Are you going to kick her to the curb? Your blog explains why I have to be subjected to looking at Madonna's crotch shots when she is the ripe age of 50.

  2. Speaking of chefs, I find Chef Tom on Bravo's Top Chef pretty hot. I would not kick him out of bed for his extra pounds. I do not care for his blue eyes though. Blue eyes creep me out and are deal breaker for me. Sigh.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mary Anne,

    If it works for you, then fine. For many it doesn't. I never said a woman with weight to spare couldn't be happy or have a great life.

    >>I do find men preoccupied with looks boring and shallow though.<<

    And the same could be said for women preoccupied with a man's salary.

    >>Too bad you don't do a blog on fat guys who want supermodels.<<

    Yeah, that's a good one, too. But you know what? If his wallet is fat, chances are he can get one. A more relevant topic would be men who work in low-paying jobs wanting a bikini babe. Please don't tell me men in such jobs aren't largely ignored by attractive women. I've seen it myself - good-looking, smart guys - even some who are independently wealthy - who have a low paying job as a hobby or side job or just something to do. And they get ignored by the same women who will flock to them when he takes the uniform or nametag off and climbs into his expensive car.

    >>Hollyweird is NOT reality and quite harmful to men and women.<<

    I agree with you there. But I used it as an example of who the men are with... but it works with any men who are successful or powerful. Look at the women they are with - the women aren't usually celebrities themelves, but they look like they could be.

    >>Are you going to throw your wife out when she gains weight having your child?<<

    Like I wrote, she did gain weight (mostly water), and she lost it right away. But she looked good even at her heaviest. But no, of course I wouldn't throw her out if she gained weight. The same as she would not throw me out of I quit my job and took a lower-paying one, and YES, I do know a man who did this for health reasons and his wife DID throw him out.

    >>What if she gets a thyroid problem (common in women) and can't get her weight under control?<<

    That is not the problem that most women who gain a significant amount of weight have.

    Don't tell me you don't see the truth in what I wrote. Maybe because you've "always" been heavy, you don't notice it happening to you... but you should be able to see how others get treated vs. how you get treated. I see it. It happened to me, too, and I'm a guy. I know it happens to women on a more intense level. Right or not, women get treated differently based on this.

    But like I said, if you are doing well the way things are, then good for you.

    Also, like I said, I prefer intelligence and kindness over being "in shape" and mean and stupid, if those are the only options. But none of that negates what I wrote.

  5. I don't see the truth in what you wrote, I see YOUR experience and it says a lot about what you think is important. I find it quite sad.

    It shows a shallow view of society and women. I feel sorry for your wife. It displays insensitivity and a preoccupation with the physical. I cannot believe you appreciate kindness, intelligence, or sensitivity in a woman since your words betray you.

  6. My experience? It isn't just my experience. Gwenyth Paltrow noticed it when she tried out her costume for "Shallow Hal". Tyra Banks noticed it when she copied that gag, and so have other women who have stolen that gag, including on "Average Joe". Regular women I know have noticed the difference when they have lost a lot of weight. I'm not saying it is right. I'm just saying it is true.

    I'd like to know what I wrote specifically that is not true?

    I do not have a shallow view of women. I do have an honest view of shallow women AND men, though. A man who is focused too much of a woman's physique is no more shallow than a woman is focued too much on a man's wallet/occupation/bank account.

    What is one of the first questions women ask another woman when she says she went on a date or met a new man? "What does he do for a living?" I'm *sure* that is simple idle chatter, right?

    I do not have a preoccupation with the physical, either. As I wrote, I have dated women of all sizes, but in general, the physical IS more important to men than women. That's our biology. It has nothing to do with being shallow.

    All I did was write a truth about how our society works. If you don't benefit from that truth, if you have no need to benefit from that truth, then fine.

    As I have written before, I have appreciated your comments. I'm sorry you take such offense to this particular entry.

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Ken...I am glad that someone finally verbalized what I always felt was a man's point of view on women being fat....

    I am 160 lbs overweight and have been for a while...I used to try to fool myself into thinking that there was a Chubby Chaser out there with my name on him but there wasn't besides...I did not want to be chubby or chased....

    I have been passed over for promotions, not respected and treated differently because of my weight....Oh sure people give me other excuses but obesity is the underlined problem...I see the looks...I hear the comments...and they all hurt...but this comment was the nudge that I needed to make a change...My Aha moment if you will...I am 38 years old and I have promised myself that I will not enter into 40 at this weight...

    Thanks for your honesty...I appreciate your is refreshing...I am going to print this out and move forward with my life...I am going to do this for me...not for a man...not for a promotion...for me...

    I used to be thin and I had issues but none of them were health related...I have been on medication for about five years because of my weight...

    My goal is to get healthy...Get down to a comfortable size that does not require Roman numerals in the tag (XXXXXXL)<--- looks like the a future Super Bowl number doesn't it...

    In a nutshell I just want to baby is 16 so this is not baby fat....

    I am going to do it...with motivation and a printed copy of Ken's comment...because it was a STRONG DOSE OF TRUTH....

    Wish me luck...Light a candle...Pray for me...because I am getting Fit For Service...

  8. I wish you all the best. It can be done. Consult your doctor. Take small steps if you need to... gradually cutting back on intake, gradually getting more exervice. Even something as simple as parking further away from the store entrance (provided you are in a relatively safe place, that is).

    It will be better fot you, it eill be better for your child.

    The difference in how people react to you and treat you will be astounding. Sure, some of them are shallow jerks, but it's nice to be treated better regardless.

    If you feel like you've screwed up somewhere along the way, don't give up just keep at it. You can hit 40 and feel better than you ever have before.

    I'm not a doctor, I'm not a dietician, but I've found these tactics work for me:

    1. Don't neglect breakfast. It you skip a meal, make it dinner, because if you can fall asleep, it will be morning before you know it and thus - time for breakfast!

    2. Consider high-fiber cereal for breakfast, like All Bran. If you need to add flavor, try fruit.

    3. Splenda is better than suger por a substitue.

    4. If you drink beer, cut back.

    5. Tea (iced or not) is better than soda pop. Try lemon to sweeten.

    6. Stock your home with Propel to drink if you need more flavor than teas.

    7. Try drinking a glass of water before starting a meal.

    8. Grocery shop after a meal, so you are less tempted to buy things you shouldn't.

    9. It's okay to let food go bad and throw it out (this was a big one for me). Don't look at it as a waste of money... you are saving money on future expenses.

    10. Restaurant proportions are usually too large. Ask them to bring a take-home container with your dish, and immediately put half of your meal into the container when it arrives. If you are a REALLY hungry, you can always tap that after you clear your plate. ALSO... ask for sauces and dressings on the side instead of on the food... only use them if the food really needs it.

    11. As with number 9, it is okay to leave food on your plate. I would compulsively clear mine.

    12. Eat your meals slowly. This will allow your body to realize it is full on less food.

    13. Avoid workplace snacks/celebration cakes and the like. Bring fruit with you to work that you can snack on instead.

    14. Find something to occupy your mouth, hands, and yourself so that you don't find yourself wandering over to the food. Chewing gum is nice.

    There is no need to starve yourself. There is no need to gag yourself to remove food you feel guilty about eating. Just take care and be conscious of what you are doing.

    FINALLY.... it's okay to keep a little extra weight... I'm talking like 10-15 extra pounds. That looks so much better on women than being too thin.


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