Saturday, May 11, 2024

What Is the Marriage Strike?

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The Marriage Strike is refusing to legally marry (or, refusing to legally marry again), and usually it also involves refusing to socially marry. More and more men are refusing to marry. That is a fact.

Why join the marriage strike?

There are many reasons, not all of which need to apply to you:
  • You don't want to marry.
  • Marriage is a bad deal for most men.
  • Marriage is a bad state contract.
  • Marriage brings the government further into your life. 
  • Most marriages fail.
  • Current marriage culture is misandrist. 
  • Most marriage counseling, therapy, and popular advice is misandrist or otherwise terrible.  
  • Men are punished for being husbands.
  • A lack of wife material women.
  • A lack of accountability for wives.
  • Marriage doesn't help you reach your goals.
  • Marriage brings guaranteed limitations, obligations, and risks with no guaranteed benefits you can't get without marrying.
  • You prefer to retain power over your life. 
  • You prefer to live alone.
  • You prefer to stay free.
  • You can't be sure the woman you'd marry isn't being trafficked into marriage
  • If you're a Bible-following Christian, you can't be sure you wouldn't be unequally yoked if you married.
  • And many more!
The goals of the marriage strike differ from person to person. Some of those goals include:
  • Self-preservation.
  • Enjoying life more.
  • Achieving more goals.
  • Encouraging changes in family law and courts.
  • Encouraging changes in culture.
Should you join the marriage strike?

Almost certainly, yes, you should. If you're a man who is currently unmarried (never married, divorced, a widower), then you are almost certainly better off unmarried. There are some exceptions. You're 80, frail, and a 20-something nurse who looks like a bikini model, is wealthy, and has a fetish for old men wants to marry you. That might be good. But one of the great things about "joining" the marriage strike is that you don't have to DO anything. You simply refuse to marry. You don't even have to tell anyone that you're on a marriage strike (although, the more men who hear about the marriage strike, the better). There's no club or place to register with which you must involve yourself. You simply stay free.

While there are forums and social media spaces in which some men encourage the marriage strike, and you can join them if you want to, there's no overarching organization to the marriage strike, and not every person involved will agree on what changes are needed to call off the strike. It's a personal, individual decision whether or not to marry. If the bad things prompting men to join the marriage strike change enough for the better, more men will choose to marry. It's simple. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen!

If you join the marriage strike, you'll be part of a growing group of men. Fewer men are marrying. This is a proven fact based on the population and legal marriages being filed. As a percentage, fewer American men are married than at any time in American history.

True, some of those men are shacking up and/or having children anyway. I don't recommend that. But even if you live with a woman (which you shouldn't) or have children, don't make it worse by signing a terrible state marriage contract.

Q: "But I heard married men are better off. Is that true?"

A: No!!! Women tend to prefer husbands who are happier, healthier, taller, stronger, and wealthier. Marriage is the result, not the cause. Better off men have tended to become husbands; a terrible state contract doesn't make men better off. Studies never separate out desirable men who intentionally avoid marriage.

Q: "What will the marriage strike do to society? Won't unmarried men be running amok in the streets?"

A: No. The more men join the marriage strike, the fewer divorces there will be, and the less wife-beating there will be. The marriage strike will make society a lot better if there is a worthy response.

Q: "Can women join the marriage strike, too?"

A: Of course! Please do!

So, use the hashtag #MarriageStrike, if you think the marriage strike is a good idea, and join the growing marriage strike in you're not currently married, whether you let other people know or not.

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