
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Play Ball?

Katherine Blakeman wrote at Townhall to blast Sports Illustrated and praise someone who is harassing his employees, because sexy women make her feel insecure, or something.
This defensive article is not too surprising since Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is nothing more than the peddling of hypersexualized, objectifying nude or nearly nude images of women—it's their most financially profitable issue of the year.
"Hypersexualized" is her opinion. A lot of people would disagree.

"Objectifying" is a word I wonder if she or most of the women reading this piece can explain without looking it up. All media is objectifying. And yes, men look at women as sex objects. If it weren't so, none of us would be here. Women look at men as success objects. 

But with this article, Sports Illustrated is criticizing the smart decision by Kansas City Royals General Manager Dayton Moore to educate his team on the detrimental impacts of pornography consumption.
I haven't read the article. I haven't even clicked on it. Subjecting his players to what is likely hysterical panic about depictions of nudity and sex is silly and smacks of sexual harassment.

Does Blakeman have a clue what life is like for professional baseball players in the Major League? Young, hot women are constantly throwing themselves at these players, many of the women hoping to get pregnant by the players. Unless the players are especially restrained, they are having casual sex right and left with a variety of women. They could be doing far worse than spending their time, energy, and semen on porn. Want to lecture them about their penises? Tell them to get vasectomies, use condoms, and not let their penis prompt them to marry, and certainly not without the tightest prenup possible.

Today's Dear Abby is Exhibit A For Why Men Shouldn't Marry

Here it is. Today's Dear Abby column.
I have been married for four months. My husband and I love each other very much.
Awwwwwww. How sweet!
Although he has asked me multiple times for sex, we have only made love twice.
EJECT! EJECT! He needs to bail NOW, no matter how much money he spent on the wedding, the honeymoon, and everything else so she could have her narcissistic moments. If he's like most men, he shouldn't have married in the first place.

But wait... I'm sure some of you are thinking he's just not jumping through enough hoops. If only he was a better, more romantic lover, right? Yeah, well read on...
My problem is, sex doesn't interest me. In fact, the thought of it terrifies me.
What did she think she was doing by getting married?!? She was thinking she was going to have her bills paid. A live-in bodyguard. An attention slave.
I hate saying no because I know it hurts him, but I'm always scared that I won't enjoy it.
So according to present-day standards, he's raped her twice. Don't marry, guys! It's a burden on women.
I have apologized almost every time I turn him down. He always says I don't need to be sorry and we'll only do it when I'm comfortable, but I'm scared I might not ever be comfortable with it.
And does he go for a drive or lock himself in the bathroom for a while after he says that? This is also the kind of woman who would pitch a fit if she found out he was masturbating to porn and would tell her family, her friends, the Bible study group, her pastor, and she would insist he's a cheater who needs to go to rehab and put filtering and "accountability" software on his devices.
Plus I have doubts that I've ever had an orgasm.
She she's never masturbated to orgasm.

THIS IS THE RISK OF "WAITING". Yes, there are risks. This is one of them. I specifically asked my wife, before we married, if she was able to give herself orgasms for this very reason. Still ended up being a disaster, but at least I tried.
How should I approach this?
1) Admit you have perpetrated a fraud.

2) File for annulment or divorce. Insist that he doesn't owe you anything. Don't make him pay for lawyers, pay alimony, or anything like that. Let him keep/take what he wants. If he wants to stay where you live, you move out. Give him the ring back if he provided it.

3) Pay him back for whatever he spent on the wedding, even if this takes you a while.

4) Either avoid relationships, find a gay man who wants a beard, or get some serious therapy/medical attention.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Another Reminder I Got More Sex When I Was Unmarried

Despite my wife having recently said she wants us to have sex twice per week (I told her, in response, I'd like it every other day), we're still around once every three to four weeks. There are many reasons this is so, but it is a good example of how women SAY they want something a certain way, but then will BEHAVE in ways that say otherwise.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Where's the Book?

As I wrote tangentially in a long entry about the Tom Leykis Show, the lack of mention of his book on his show indicated to me that the project is in limbo or even scrapped, even though a couple of years ago it sounded like it would be for sale within a few months.

This week, a caller mentioned the book but Leykis didn't address that part of the caller's comment at all.

A search on Amazon comes up with this, which is placeholder. It gives a price, a description (apparently boilerplated from existing Leykis media), and a release date (when I checked) of October 15, 2018. That's a Monday. Books are released on Tuesdays. If the placeholder was put there by a fan, it means absolutely nothing. Do we have any reason it was put there by Leykis or a publisher?

I'm curious because, if done right, the book, which would focus on the core of "Leykis 101" which is about "how to get more tail for less money" can be informative, persuasive, entertaining, and provocative. While I do not advocate fornication, other parts of Leykis' "course" are broadly applicable and I support them, such as spending as little money on women as possible, avoiding marriage and exclusive relationships, not tolerating troublesome women, and generally preventing women from exerting control over or negatively influencing your life.

I can't help but think of what the book should be like. Each tenet of L101 could have its own chapter, explaining what to do, why it works, and providing examples from Leykis' life, the lives of his callers, and the news. I could even see Leykis promoting the book  and answering questions like, "Aren't you afraid this will allow women to figure out your tactics?" with "The women my readers wan't don't read books."

Anyway, with how transparent Leykis has been about everything else, his silence on the book, along with the delay, indicates that something has gone wrong and I would not count on a book being release in mid-October.

UPDATE: On his Tuesday, March 20, 2018 show, a caller asked about the book during unscreened calls, and Leykis  said it is in the editing process. So that's good news.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Prager Encourages Having Many Children

Dennis Prager not only advocates marriage (and he likes it so much he married a third time after two divorces), he advocates people have a lot of children. He speaks as though it's rainbows, roses, and unicorns, talking about what a "joy" it is. It's such a joy there are parents who murder their kids. And there are kids who murder their parents. Oh, what joy!

It's a bad idea to encourage reluctant people to marry. That's how you get more murder-suicides. And it is even worse to encourage reluctant people to have a lot of children. That's how you get Andrea Yates.

Prager bemoans falling fertility rates. He also insists people don't need a lot of money to raise a lot of children. Mind you, in his world, kids don't have birthday parties every year, they don't have the run of the house, and they sit quietly at the dinner table all through dinner unless spoken to. Kids don't expect their parents at every sports/music/dance practice or performance nor at spelling bees or other academic contests. The older kids help out with raising the younger kids. You know, like Josh Duggar?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Prom Is For Girls and Gays

Here we are again. I'm hearing about The Prom again and Promposals. Ugh.

Every year now, I note this ritual, which has become another day, along with "Sweet Sixteen" (or other birthdays for certain cultures, at 13, 15, etc.) and wedding days (the the related events) that are all about feeding the narcissism and sense of entitlement of attention-whores and attention-whores-in-training.

Refer back to my "Beware the Prom", and this look at a Dear Abby column, and this look at a different Dear Abby column and now this entry on increasingly showy proposals for dates.

Stop it, guys! Unless you're gay and want to rub it into the noses of some uptight school staff or parents by taking someone of the same sex, you don't really want to go to a dance, do you? You don't really want to take girl to the prom, do you?

It a nutshell, here are my problems with the prom as it is these days:

1) Boys wasting money.

2) Another event where females are princess-ized, which is a problem as long as males are prevented, culturally/socially and often legally, from events that cater to them and are focused on them in a similar way. Go ahead and tell me... what event gives boys the equivalent of the prom, where the activities are all about things he wants to do, with the boys dressing the way they want to dress, the girls dressing the way the boys want them to dress, the girls paying for it and escorting the boys, and where the boys will go hang out with their friends during the event?

If you already have a date for the prom, break up with her. If you were planning to ask a girl, especially with some elaborate production, don't!

Some of you guys think that taking a girl to the prom means she will have sex with you. If she hasn't had sex with you yet, paying her way and being her display piece for the prom almost certainly will NOT make it happen. If she really is the kind of girl who will finally have sex  with you because you took her to the prom, it's probably not worth it. You're far better off going straight to one of the "after parties". But even then, you're just asking for trouble, even more so if she's underage (even if YOU are underage). 

You're better off doing something else that night, even staying home and sleeping. If you're a very bad boy, you might want to track down a neighborhood "single" mom whose daughter is off to the prom that night and it has her (the mom) feeling nostalgic and over the hill. Just be careful or you'll end up a very young father.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Matt Walsh Might as Well Say Misery Loves Company

Walsh really, really wants everyone to get married and have kids ASAP. I think he's a bit envious of the fun, productivity, and flexibility free men have, but of course I can't really know his heart. Here's his latest Daily Wire column (which is taking comments... hint hint).
Now we can add "quarter-life crisis" to a list of millennial complaints that would have sounded unintelligible to every generation before ours.
This phrase has been around for a couple of decades now, at least. But OK.
It seems that a lot of people my age are feeling lost, confused, stagnate, bewildered. They are unsatisfied with their lives and unsure of how they might find satisfaction. They have spent their young adulthood pursuing their own interests and pleasures and now they have little to show for it. They don't know what they can or should do to find fulfillment.
I didn't have these problems. My life was pretty good before I got married.
May I make a suggestion? 
Get married and have kids.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I Need a Vacation

I now understand why married men go on fishing and hunting trips with the guys.

I am in desperate need of a vacation.

By "vacation", I don't mean taking the wife and kids somewhere, or staying home and dealing with them. That's not relaxing for me.

I can't tell you how many times I've felt ill and, if I had lived alone, I would  have stayed home, but since I don't live alone, I got up and worked all day.

While I'm trying to work, I'm frequently contacted by my wife with instructions on things she needs me to do (sometimes immediately) or I even get contacted by the school about something my kid is doing.

My wife and kids require a lot of work out of me. Mind you, my wife is a SAHM. Still, I'll come home from a long day of working and commuting, I'll need to feed them all, go grocery shopping, and then take out seven or eight bags of trash for the weekly trash pickup. Then I need to get the kids to bed before I can collapse.

The problem with getting away by myself is that it would leave the kids home with my wife, and that's not a good idea for multiple days. It might result in headlines. I wish I was entirely kidding.

I daydream about being a guy with no wife, no kids, and having more time than things that need to get done.

I can only drop one kid at a time off with my mother. But I need to figure out how I can have my kids being watched by others, and then figure out an excuse to get away for several days or a week, even if "getting away" isn't really going anywhere. It could be a simple as sending my wife somewhere else.

While I'd be coming back to the same life, being able to recharge for a bit might keep me going.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Don't Make Promises You're Not Going to Keep

I'm convinced the most ideal family situation is a breadwinning father married to a homemmaker mother, who is a stay-with-kids mom, at least until the kids are all in school (Kindergarten or later), at which point she can work part-time. Having the father stay home instead is the next best thing.

This is what one of my favorite audio talk show hosts, Dr. Laura also preaches and teaches, much to the irritation of plenty of people, who talk as though daycare isn't almost always voluntary.

Dr. Laura claims that "in the day" men would rather die than see their wives working full time outside of the home and she talks as though men are ignoring their blaring natural inner voice when they pressure their wives to work. But how many of these men were "raised" by working mothers? How many of those mothers were divorced or never-married? A LOT! Furthermore, a lot of these men know that if their wife doesn't work, the courts are going so screw them (the husbands) over even more when there's a divorce, because the courts will say that the woman has greatly reduced earning potential and has been accustomed to being taken care of financially.

"But you shouldn't expect a divorce," say so many people.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Another Article Trying to Get Men to Sacrifice Themselves

The Catholic News Agency recently did an article based on a study released by the Institute for Family Studies, from our friends W. Bradford Wilcox and Nicholas H. Wolfinger. And I say "friends" because even though I often disagree with either man on Twitter, I appreciate what they're trying to do.

CNA headlined the article with "
What's in it for men? The benefits of getting married".

As we'll see, there's nothing in it for men that they can't get otherwise.

“Indeed, the benefits of marriage for men are substantial by every conceivable measure, including money, a better sex life, and significantly better physical and mental health,” noted a recent study released by the Institute for Family Studies.
We've already covered this extensively here.

“There’s no doubt that marriage requires sacrifices… but it turns out that these sacrifices pay for themselves and more.”
Not so.