
Monday, June 10, 2019

More Angry Single Mothers

I have this thing about trying to keep the text on this blog free of "cussing", to keep it like something you'd heard on broadcast terrestrial radio. I even have a warning where people comment saying that their comment won't get posted. But people do it anyway. Sometimes, I want to address their comment. That means I have to copy/paste/edit their comment to remove the cussing.

Below, I look at a couple of comments left on this blog's most popular entry, which advises men not to date single mothers. It's received so many comments over the years that I'm thinking about posting a new entry for the sole purpose of allowing new comments on the topic. (Feel free to comment on this posting instead of the original one.)

Saturday, June 08, 2019

What To Teach My Son?

My son currently insists he's never getting married. [This post is from January 2017. My son's thinking might have changed.]

He's still just a little kid, though, so it could still be the childhood "girls are yucky" sort of thing, or it could be more serious, such as seeing what my life is like as a husband. I try to put on a good face, but he is more than smart enough to observe the fact that I have to go work as much as I do and yet we have to watch our spending and that I spend much of my time at home being my wife's butler.

I know what I'm supposed to teach my son, according to the standard operation procedure of the subculture to which I belong: Stay "pure", go to college and/or the military, get a career, get married and make babies, and stay married at least until those babies are all grown, all while regularly attending church and giving "ten percent" and more to the church, in addition to time and effort serving in some capacity. And he should do this so... his sons can do the same thing, and their sons can do the same thing.

However, I can't, in good conscience, encourage a son of mine to enter into what our laws and culture now call marriage.

And there's the great paradox.